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So here is the third chapter. Please kindly don't forget to vote and comment. Because it's personally my favourite to write.

Read and enjoy.♥️


Just like every day, I woke up dreaming about the man

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Just like every day, I woke up dreaming about the man. I didn't know who he was or why I dream about him everyday. It's like my day won't start without thinking about him and my sleep won't be completed without dreaming about him.
I vividly remember the day when I saw him for the first and last time.

I entered the Dargah after coming straightly from my college. After folding the sleeves of my black salwar suit I took ablution for prayer. I prayed to my creator for my father. It was his death anniversary today, and from the past two years I haven't missed coming here on this day. Like every other girl Abbu was my hero, we were more like friends than father and daughter. And two years ago he died because of a heart attack leaving me and my mother alone. He was the provider of our family, and everything was difficult after he had gone. So I took part time jobs so that me and Ammi can live without depending on anyone. But it was difficult considering we were two women and society didn't accept two women living alone.

After praying, I went to distribute some sweets to the little children and the older people sitting outside the dargah. Even though I couldn't give more with my salary , I made sure to distribute some sweets to the poor people. After giving the sweets to them I was about to leave when I noticed a man, a man sitting on the bench outside the dargah. He was dressed in complete black clothes. But what surprised me was the tears that continuously left his eyes. He looked like a broken man who lost everything, even his fate in God. I didn't know why a sudden pain crossed through my heart while looking at the crying man. I had the sudden urge to protect him from everything and provide him the peace. An old man who also noticed the crying man said something to him which made him look towards the dargah. The man entered inside the dargah with slow steps. I had a sudden urge to pray for him so I again went inside the dargah and prayed to my creator for the man.

" Ya Allah, you are the most powerful and kind one. So please take the man's pain away from him and provide him with peace. He looked completely broken, please join all his broken pieces with your love. Have mercy on him .Provide him with comfort. Give him peace. Ameen "

After that I took the thread and went to tie it on the wall where everyone tied the thread to fulfill their good wishes. As I was tying the thread I felt something on the back of my hand. I looked up and found that it was the same man for whom I was tying this thread, and what I felt on my hands were his tears. I couldn't see his face clearly, but in the dim light inside the room all I saw was his beautiful sage green eyes, that held so much pain in them. I felt my eyes filling with tears looking at his eyes. I had this sudden urge to comfort him, so I said.

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