Cast/How the character are styled

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Sauron Style

'You see, muin nín, no matter how you fight, all you will succeed at is delaying the inevitable'

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'You see, muin nín, no matter how you fight, all you will succeed at is delaying the inevitable'

'He cannot save you, nothing can stop your darkness, my daughter...'

'Your nothing but a disappointment, same as your mother'

Elbereth Style

'Use force all you want, Hû úgaun! I will not submit my soul to your will!'(Cowardly dog!)

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'Use force all you want, Hû úgaun! I will not submit my soul to your will!'
(Cowardly dog!)

'Guren nallatha nalú achenin le, Melverìl, Meleth nín'
(My heart shall weep until I see thee again, Rosemary, my love)

'Tego ven i Melain am mand'
(May the Valar lead us to safety)

Rosemary (Melverìl) Young

'Adar, who is my mother? Why do I not look like our nothlir

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'Adar, who is my mother? Why do I not look like our nothlir...'
(Father, family)

'Mellon nín, it has indeed been too long!'
(My friend)

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