005 || korai hoshiumi ᯓ★

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✿ [ korai x fem!reader ] ✿

TITLE : it doesn't matter.

y/n = your name, l/n = last name,

[ small info: you are on the girls volleyball team! ]

[ 2nd person pov ]

damn it, he liked you. he could even go as far as to say love. but the most disappointing factor was that you barely even knew him, though you were friends with his friends, and also you were on the girls volleyball team yourself..you didn't even know his name really.
sucks for him, because the amount of admiration he has towards you is a little deadly.

"hey, look." hoshiumi points at you, as he talks to his brown-haired friend.

"oh, is that your girlfriend?" hirugami asks. he noticed you were walking alone on the school campus while they stared from afar and he smiled down at his friend, "why not go say hi to her?"

"she isn't my girlfriend!?" korai quickly states with anger, "and i won't." he harshly adds.

"then i will," hiru smirks, but is held back by the white-haired.

"no!" korai fumes.
"why even point her out of you aren't going to talk to her??" hiru argues.
"cause!-" korai really had no excuse up his sleeve. he could only pause and just get more angry at his friend.

hiru sighed, and stopped persisting. giving up on teasing his friend, "fine, let's just get to class,"

"yeah. hurry! she's coming this way," korai hastily pulls at hiru's arm and drags him into the building.

little did korai know that he dropped his phone while struggling against his friend..it had simply slipped out his pocket..
and also little did he know that you quickly noticed it, watching the two boys disappear while seeing something fall from the white-hairs pocket.

when you approached, you picked it up.

a phone..clearly his phone too.

you are pretty sure you have first period with him, you will give it to him there.

[ timeskip ]

'shit, shit, shit!' korai thought to himself while digging into his bag. before class could start, he was already agitated. where the hell is his phone??

| HAIKYUU x reader | scenarios ᯓ★Where stories live. Discover now