008 || kotaro bokuto ᯓ★

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[ he's so silly !! ]
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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉[ he's so silly !! ]❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

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✿ [ bokuto x fem!reader ] ✿

TITLE : piggyback!

y/n = your name, l/n = last name, n/n = nick name.

[ small info : y/n has a condition where her legs give
in sometimes and she feels
faint/dizzy. it doesn't happen often however! ]

[ 2nd person pov ]

          you sigh heavily. sitting on a school campus bench, you feel pretty worn out. this sometimes happens, when you were younger you went to the doctors to figure out what was happening to you, because it was definitely not normal.

you learned you have a condition; it happens randomly yet rarely, but at times your legs just give in, and it feels like you will pass out at any minute.

you still try to feel normal, but it's hard. especially at this moment, your legs are feeling weak.

it's the end of the school day, it's time for you to walk home..you live kind of close to school thankfully, but you don't even know if you'll make it then.

you don't know what to do, you would call your home..but just to your luck your phone died.

nobody was walking around you either, you couldn't call out for help.

you were just stuck, slouching on a bench. if anyone were to walk by they'd probably presume you were extremely depressed by the way you looked; drained and upset.

that is kinda how you felt at the moment though.

you sighed once again.

"hey hey h-!!"
you stared wide eyed at the owl-like boy who blinks once at you. both of you having surprised expressions.

"ah- hey bokuto..sorry, you scared me," you chuckled lightly, scratching your arm awkwardly. i mean he literally just appeared behind you out of nowhere, of course you'd get scared. but still you feel bad for shouting so loudly, it made you embarrassed.

"heyy, it's alright n/n!" he grins, his hands on his hips as he stood proudly in front of you.

ha, 'n/n'. it's a stupid nickname he gave you one day. you and bokuto are friends..still you kinda feel awkward calling him his first name so you opt for the last one— but still, he's kinda one of your only friends. you smile every time he comes your way, with his classic 'hey hey hey!' greeting. it's awesome!-

| HAIKYUU x reader | scenarios ᯓ★Where stories live. Discover now