19 || headcanons! (characters listed) ᯓ★

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i decided to do a head canon page, like: if they were your boyfriend.

i'm doing my fav's and also characters that have been requested so that i can get to many at once— here's the characters featured in this chapter:
hinata shoyo, tobio kageyama, ushijima wakatoshi, satori tendou, tsutomu goshiki, korai hoshiumi, kotaro bokuto, tooru oikawa, yuu nishinoya, atsumu miya, osamu miya, shinsuke kita, ryunosuke tanaka, koshi sugawara, daichi suwamura, tetsuro kuroo, and lev haiba — i'd love to do more but this is a lot 😭
(i'm feeding yall! 😋🙏💕)
also it is listed in order — i'll just start now
|| these are pretty random by the way, its just highschool boyfriend activity 😞 ||

shoyo hinata

- your number one supporter?? — and he wants you to be his number one supporter too! (you better 🫵)

- wants you to come to his games cause he wants to show off but when he sees you he gets very nervous about messing up.

- his love language is physical touch. he loves holding hands, hugs, all that stuff. if you're not into that stuff he'll act heart broken but he'll find away to problem solve.

- he's always trash talking kageyama to you, he'll mimic how he acts and tries to get you to play along, if you do he'll get strangely happy about the matter -?

- if you're shorter, he'll feel proud, probably mentioning it every now and then. he's just trying to make up for all the teasing he got 🤷‍♀️

- if you're taller, he'll be a little embarrassed, but he'll probably find it attractive nonetheless, though i don't he'd admit it — if you're taller he probably just won't mention it cause he doesn't wanna get teased for being short, smh 🤦‍♀️

tobio kageyama

- honestly...very awkward.

- he may come off as mean or rude sometimes but i think he gets easily embarrassed too. once he's comfortable though and use to a whole 'relationship idea' then he'll be calm.

- he gives you drinks and snacks from the vending machine.

- his love language is gifts. he likes to give you things. he also enjoys quality time but he doesn't mind physical affection and such.

- he also wants to show off, he'll awkwardly invite you to a game and when he sees you it'll get him pumped up. it might calm his nerves a little seeing you, cause he wants to be impressive.

ushijima wakatoshi

- he's kind of dense. and he doesn't seem like the dating kind of guy so if he was dating you then you must be really important to him. though he's sometimes blank with how he acts, him being there is a sign he already loves you. (u go bae!)

- his love language is quality time. he likes to spend time with you, and he also likes to give some gifts, he prefers just being around you. he's content that way. (i also think he enjoys acts of service as well)

- it doesn't seem like he's seeking your impression when you're at his games but when he does a good move he'll always glance up at you in the crowd. but he'll act like it's nothing.

- he's kinda like a body guard- unintentionally. but whenever your around him it seems like nobody acts rudely suddenly. like no one had no issues with you suddenly. (not saying you're bullied or you're a problem 😭 -but if people didn't treat you good before they suddenly are now)

- he'll call you for no reason. you'll pick up thinking somethings wrong and he'll ask in a plain voice "how are you?" or something like that. after a while you come to learn he just wants to talk.

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