17 || ushijima wakatoshi ᯓ★

419 8 22

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
[ this man is way
too fine but way
too sexualized !! ]
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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉[ this man is way too fine but waytoo sexualized !! ]❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

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^ the whole gang 🤯 — this idea was by Weirdest56!
✿ [ ushijima x fem!reader ] ✿

TITLE : wordless girl.

y/n = your name, l/n = last name, n/n = nick name.

[ small info!: y/n is mute! ]

[ third person pov ]

          "come onnn waka, i bet you'd like herr! plus, you're kinda lonely, you need a girlfriend," tendo rolled his eyes. his arms on the back of his head as he rocked back and forth on his chair.

"i am not lonely," ushijima stated, glancing at tendo for a mere second, before focusing back at his book.

"welllll, she is." tendo sighed, "she's new and i'm hearing people are already finding her weird. she's pretty quiet, you and her would get alongg~" the red head sings while shifting his position to lean over ushijimas shoulder. hovering in an attempt to be annoying and convincing at the same time.

"you are her friend, she's not lonely," ushijima flips the page of his book, not paying much mind to his friend.

"i'm her only friend!" tendo exclaims, having much sympathy for the girl he was talking about since he was once seen as a freak and had no friends. "pleaseee? we could hang out after school together. the three of us cause there's no practice."

ushijima lets out a quiet sigh, starting to consider. he was never really a big fan of hanging out because he had better things to do, and if this was anyone else asking this of him then he'd plainly denied. yet even the stoic ushijima wakatoshi can muster up sympathy for lonely people, especially when they're being picked on.

"fine," he agrees, making the red head beam with excitement.

"really?- yes! awesome, i think she's your type-"

"it's not a date," ushijima remarks, adding, "just so she can have a friend."

"right, right," tendo nodded, but he didn't see it like that anyways. it's like he had a firm set belief that it'd work out. tendo does often guess like that...buttttt- usually his guesses are correct. he's a miracle boy after all.

[ second person pov ]

you waited at the school gate. your only friend said he wanted to hang out with you and another one of his buddies. you decided to agree because you had nothing else to do.

| HAIKYUU x reader | scenarios ᯓ★Where stories live. Discover now