009 || shinsuke kita ᯓ★

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[ AHHH !! ]
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✿ [ kita x fem!reader ] ✿

TITLE : quit now while it's easier.

y/n = your name, l/n = last name.

[ small info: y/n and kita are dating!
..and y/n smokes..
⚠️: i do not condone smoking/ vaping, etc!
this is for the purpose of quitting 🙃 ]

[ 2nd person pov ]

          'is this really worth it?' you thought to yourself. feeling regretful of the actions you were doings...yet...you weren't stopping. it seemed like you had no intention of stopping either. you're aware it's wrong, yet here you are, leaning on your front porch; blowing a puff of smoke out your mouth.

this all kinda started back in the beginning of highschool. you were dumb with bad friends, but you cant blame them..you chose to do this in the end. even when they did pressure you.
your old friends smoked, and they'd always tried to get you to join. you never did..till one day.
you gave it a try.
you regretted it.
but you wanted to try more.
your dad smokes, so it was easy getting your hands on a cigarette.
it's so funny..growing up you'd always notice how much your dad would hack and cough everyday because of his addiction, and you promised yourself you'd never fall into it.
but here you are.
doing it as a teenager.
wow! well aren't you a good person, hm y/n?

yes, you always feel guilt everytime you smoke..but one of the biggest reasons you feel guilty is cause..

your boyfriend.

shinsuke kita. a boy who is confident and determined, he's perfect and does what's best for his body.

if he ever found out you were smoking, who knows what would happen?

would he leave you..?

the thought makes you feel a little panicked.

you stomp on the cigarette, and for good measure you pick it up and throw it away, of course running it under some water before hand so nothing catches on fire from the heat.

you take a shower, trying to get all the smoke stench off of you.

you brush your teeth, trying to get the bitter smell of smoke out your mouth.

you only smoke maybe once or twice a week. it's not that bad!

it's not an issue.

| HAIKYUU x reader | scenarios ᯓ★Where stories live. Discover now