Chapter 2

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*Ben's pov*

I woke up in a cell and saw everyone else was still asleep from the sedation dart.Then i saw joshua walking towards me."What do you want from me joshua." joshua replied,"the reason you woke up first was because your sedation dart was weaker than the others,second of all i want to make a deal with you."

I was now feeling a bit scared but also frustrated."what is the deal joshua."joshua replied saying "well ripley the deal is that you run away from your friends with no warning no notes no nothing and quit spy school.If you do that i will not hurt any one of your friends or your loved ones.

"Deal." he opened my cell and i ran away. it was painful to run away but i did it so i can protect my friends...

*Erica's pov*

I woke up in a cell,everyone else was here except for ben.joshua walked towards us."WHAT DO YOU WANT JOSHUA" i yelled,"AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO BEN RIPLEY" joshua calmly replied "Ripley is gone Erica, he is long gone..." i was no furious."STOP LYING JOSHUA." "Im not lying Erica. Ripley is long gone. Guards take them away."

Several guards came released us. I could not attack since i was still cuff and we were out numbered. I feel disapointed.The guards released us when we were outside the building. catherine,my mom came to confort me."Erica its ok.there is nothing we can do about it. cmon lets head beck to base and report back.

And so i left feeling sad,empty,hollow,disapointed,and furious. but we could do nothing about it since we don't have intel on where ben i went back to spy school and went to my room.

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