Chapter 6

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*Mike's pov*

I woke up in the morning and brushed my teeth. I ate some bread and class started. My class was learning explosives. And we had a test. And the test was how to defuse a fake bomb.

It was my turn to defuse the bomb. I was figuring out on the wires currently. That is until the P.A interrupted me. "Mike brezinski,and Zoe Zibell, please go to the principal office" Holy smokes I thought. That saved me or I would have failed! Without Ben I'm not very good at bomb diffusion.

I made my way to the principal office. Cyrus began to speak "Today you have a mission. According to Catherine she has found Ben Ripley with Erica." Holy moly I finally get to meet Ben Ripley! My best friend!!

"Mike,Zoe you guys are going to meet Ben at the park. Catherine informed me that they are going to a park." I replied, "YESSIR"

I packed me stuff. Guns,pocket knife,and a gronola bar. And me and Zoe hopped onto Alexander's car and drove to the park. Once we arrived Zoe and I walked around the park. And I saw Erica walking with someone. I'm assuming that the someone is Ben.

"Zoe I found Ben" she excitedly says "Ok let's hurry up!" So we walked towards Ben. And when Ben saw us his face said it all. He was shocked. "Hey Ben how are you?" After a few moments he opened his mouth. "Why are you guys here? How did you know I was here?" 

"Catherine told us." Then Ben saw looked around. Then he replied "can we talk at my house" Zoe whispered yelled "of course!" And so we walked to Ben house.

Once we arrived we went in. Ben made some tea for us and then he began to speak.

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