Chapter 19

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Back at Jisung's, Changbin had just finished taking a shower and brushing his teeth. He decided to swing by Chan and Felix's room for a moment.

"Big day for us tomorrow, Chan." says Changbin.

"I know." says Chan. "I'm excited. It's gonna be awesome, helping people achieve their fitness goals. And you can help your parents while your dad looks for another job."

"Binnie, how's Hyunjin doing?" Felix asks. "Is he alright?"

"He's fine, Lix." says Changbin. "Minho and Jisung are looking after him. They said he fell asleep a while back."

"I'm assuming Ji is spending the night with Minho?" Chan says.

"Yeah, he is." says Changbin. "He wants to be there for Minho."

That conversation he had with Jisung stuck with him. The fact that Minho was so worried about Hyunjin made his heart hurt. He wants nothing more than be there for his ex but doesn't know how to approach the situation. At times, he wishes he could read minds.

A/N 😉 😉

"We should get some sleep now." said Chan. "Got to get up bright and early tomorrow."

"Channie hyung," said Felix. "Is it ok if I go to Hyunjin's tomorrow?"

"What?" says Chan.

"I mean, both you and Binnie are going to work tomorrow." said Felix. "And Sungie's already there. I just don't wanna be here alone."

Both Chan and Changbin look at each other for a moment. What Felix said is true. Jisung is gonna be there for Minho, so Felix would be left home alone.

"Okay." said Chan. "I don't see why not. And everyone is gonna be there, so sure, you can spend the day there."

"Yay!" says Felix as he pumps his fists in the air.

"Alright then." says Chan. "Let's go to bed. Goodnight, Bin."

"Goodnight, Chan." says Changbin. He then turns to Felix. "Goodnight Lix."

Felix then walks up to Changbin and gives him a hug. "Goodnight, Binnie." he says.

Changbin hugs Felix back while patting him on the head. He had to ignore the fact that his body was feeling very hot all of a sudden. Being this close to Felix was starting to do things to him that he needs to keep under control.

"See you all tomorrow." says Changbin as he parts from the hug and exits their room.

While on the way to his room, he noticed that Seungmin and Jeongin were still there. "Oh," he says. "I thought you 2 already left."

"We're about to." said Seungmin. "Innie had to use the bathroom."

"Yeah, we're about to leave now." said Jeongin.

Changbin goes down the stairs to walk Seungmin and Jeongin out. "Goodnight Seungmin." he says. "Goodnight Jeongin."

"Goodnight Changbin." Both Seungmin and Jeongin say in unison.

After walking out Seungmin and Jeongin, Changbin retires to his room. Laying down on his bed by himself felt lonely for him. Usually, having Jisung there would give him some small talk before bed.

But now, left alone with his thoughts, all he could do was think about Hyunjin and Felix. He was so worried about Hyunjin ever since their conversation at the coffee shop, seeing him as a shell of his former self.

And with Felix, he couldn't deny the growing attraction he feels towards the younger. Even when he told Felix about that horrible day, he hadn't noticed that he had his arms wrapped around the younger's waist.

It's ok to love you (Hyunbinlix, Minsung, Chanseungin)Where stories live. Discover now