Chapter 4

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I yawn, Yet another day. I wake to the smell of the compost........ Oh right. I grab that and dump it into the hole in the ground. Pour some dirt over it, stir it, and bring the bucket back inside. Then I grab two more buckets, this time clean, and carry them to the small winding river in Camp, which leads to a beautiful pond. With lily pads, frogs, Cattails, also a perfect place to swim in the hotter days that were coming. My world had three types of weather, Sunny, Stormy, and Hotter. Hotter was when no one wanted to do anything, and when a simple chore like training the pups was exhausting. And Stormy was when rain would fall. Everywhere. Except Homebase, Sunny was what it normally was. Bright, Light, warm but not too warm.

I gather water. Not to drink because I have an unlimited supply of water in Homebase, but days when all i want to do is lay around. Also for tossing on any super hot animals, like any of my dogs with dense thick fur or black fur.

After that, I found my dogs. "Hey guys, Let's work on Down, Heel, Come, Sit, and Stay." Everyone but the pups know what I just said. Bell and Riley disappear like yesterday, along with Butterfly, Copper, Blue, and Wish. Only the pups, and Daisy and Jenga stay. After an hour of training, With Storm, Tornado and Dot understanding what I want them to do, I release them all. And go back to Homebase, where I start the clean up.

List of things to do........

~Take care of compost

~Say hi to Hermosa and check up on the colt

~Find somebody who take the colt for free

~Start training the pups

~Organize pantry

~Clean the mattress and pillow

~Go spy on River's team

~Go spy on Max's team

~See if i can steal any other dogs


~Bake bread

~Cook meat


~Canned food


Yeah, well that's about all. Putting off hunting for some other time, And I checked off training for the day, Along with compost, and leaving Cooking, Canned food, Bake bread, Cook meat for some other time, And checking up on Hermosa would mean learning of the death of the Doe. I sigh. And grab my mattress and drag it outside. Shaking of the crumbs, and really that's all. I pull out the feathers, wash the sheet and leave it to dry while hanging in a tree, i do the same with the pillow, and gather some dried meat, and some berries. And I put them all in my cattle hide bag, grab some rope, and say farewell to Bell and the rest of the pack. And get out of Camp. Slipping out into the real woods. I move away from River's land, and toward Max's.

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