Chapter 6

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Ruhaan's pov:

"That I'll tell you later but first tell me why was everyone staring at me like that ?" She asked and crossed her hands over her chest.

"Because nobody has ever dared to enter my floor without my permission." I replied and her eyes widened.

"I....I didn't mean to.. it's just that I thought to meet you that is why." she said hurriedly so I interrupted in between "relax, no need to be scared and you can come here anytime, whenever you want okay!". I replied taking a few steps towards her as she took a few steps back until her back met the wall.

I caged her between my arms and the wall.

Wait!...did I tell you how ethereal is she looking in this Indian outfits but not only this I bet she would look absolutely gorgeous in each and every single outfit.

Inaayat Singhania. What are you doing to me!.

One day you'll surely be the death of me.

I moved a little closer and she closed her eyes tightly, only I know how much I'm controlling myself to kiss the hell out of her for being such a temptress. But first I have to make her fall for me.

So I stepped a back keeping a little distance.

"Aayat I have an important meeting with some new investors. So I was thinking if you'd come along with me as you know you are a newbie so you would also gain a little experience" I said to make the situation less awkward and a little comfortable for her.

"Yeah sure, I'll come with you" she replied smiling widely.

We both headed towards outside, I decided to drive because I want no disturbance while I'm with my butterfly. But because of the security reasons my men were following me from far away offcourse!.

It was an awkward silence until my phone rings.

I picked it up to see Vivaan's calling....

Is it possible that this man let me live in peace for a while...NO!!!.

"Kya hua ab?....Kabab mein haddi" I asked murmuring the last line to myself.

(What happened now?....the third wheel)

"Ruhaan the investors would need the file I gave you yesterday" he said without any delay.

"That file is at my penthouse. Do one thing send someone to get it from there." I suggested less ordered.

"No no we can't trust anyone with that plus you are not far from your penthouse it will hardly take a minute. So please bring it, please please please!!!!." He requested.

"Okay fine but how did you know that we are close to my penthouse" I asked curiously.

"Hacker traits you know!" He said and I'm sure he must be smirking proudly.

How fucking dumb!

"Wait...did you said we are? Whom else are you bringing?"he asked.

"That you'll get to know when I'll reach there" I said and hung up.

I turned my head only to see the most serene view. My butterfly was sleeping keeping her head on the window.

I silently drove to my penthouse without disturbing her beauty sleep.

I carried her inside the penthouse and layed her on the couch and went to take the file.

As I returned, my butterfly was nowhere to be seen. I called her out but no replies...

I was searching as my eyes caught the sight of the swimming pool.

There she was standing near the pool looking deeply into the water as if searching for something.

I silently went towards her and whispered in her ears "what are you doing here?"

She got scared and immediately returned around as reflex her foot slipped and she was about to fall, she held my collar and we both fell itno the water.


The pool was not that deep but enough to drown one or two. I held her waist tightly and pulled her close to my chest and without thinking I smashed my lips over her.

Fucking heaven!

I was kissing her passionately yet hungrily. She was trying to catch her breath underwater as she opens her mouth my tounge explore each and every corner of her mouth, after a few minutes of sucking her lower lip I left her lips and pulled her out of the pool as she was getting breathless.

"Damn baby you take so fucking like mine...only mine." I whispered on her lips.

She lowered her lashes as a deep coat of red covered her cheeks.


I picked her up and took her in my room. "You just wait I'll ask someone to bring clothes for you till then you just wear this shirt of mine" she nodded and took the shirt from my hand.

"Um..where will I change" she asked hesitantly.

"Oh.. there is the washroom you can change there" I said pointing towards the washroom.

As she went away I quickly change my clothes in the closet and left the room and called my men to bring some of the designer yet simple dresses.

After a while my men handed me the clothes.

I went towards my room and opened the door only to get a mini heartattack.


So finally they kissed!!!

I was literally getting butterflies while writing this chapter.

Hope you guys would also like this chapter!!!

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