Chapter 10

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Inaayat's pov:

Life is literally unpredictable!!!

I've thought that I would ever fall in love or I'll have a boyfriend. But see here I am standing hand in hand looking over the city drowning in love with my Ruh.

I really didn't expected that he would propose me.

It was just so magnificent like I can't even explain. We spent the whole day together only....

Talking. Cuddling. Kissing.

"What are you thinking?" he asked looking at me.

"How did I get so lucky to end up with you" I said looking straight into his eyes.

"Nah you're wrong, it's not the end our story begins now" he said and  slowly placed his lips on mine.

Deeply yet desperately. His hands  are around waist. His lips devouring my mouth. I placed my hand above his chest. He's breathing so hard.

I love him.
Shit. I love him!!!

His lips left mine and he attached his forehead to mine and whispered "you're too gorgeous to be mine"

As soon as the words left his mouth, blood rushed over my cheeks.

Not again!!!
Why do I blush this much?.

He slightly chuckled....
How can he be so pretty.

"Let's go I'll drop you home." he said and held my hands walking out of the cabin.

Oh yeah it's going to be 10p.m

We entered the lift. He placed his hands on waist and pulled me closer.

How do I believe I'm in love with him. In love with the most fierce king who is not fierce at all.

Why do people talk about him like that?

Hayeeee rabbaaaa!!!

I immediately removed his hands from waist making a proper distance.

"We can't go out....What if someone saw us like this!"

I noticed a change in his eyes. Something which I never saw before.

He again held my hand and pulled me closer by my waist but this time a little bit forcefully.

"Don't you ever dare to go away from me like that" he said in his bulky voice which I only heard once when I first met him.

"And you don't need to worry about others, it's almost 10 and office gets over at 7. So everyone must've left already."

Yeah he's right everyone must've left by now but still something's off.

There was an awkward silence between us.

We reached in the parking. "You just stay I'll go get my car okay" he said slowly caressing my head and left.

I was standing but feeling someone's eye on me I turned around but there was no one. I looked up in every direction but still there's was no one. I guess I'm overthinking.

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