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" You bastard, was it you who poisoned my father!?" Luka shouted. Rivera also back up the little boy angry expression.

" To think you would do something like this, to your own village chief," she said looking at Billy with even more disgust than what she have shown to him before.

He let out a crackling giggle.

" Fu, fu, fu. Don't jump to conclusions just because you found that thing," Billy said.

Rivera after his reply scold the guy for his indignent behavior toward the solid evidence they found inside " his " house. With Rivera stating that

" There is no use trying to lie your way out of this. Once the elders learn about this you will be in trouble."

With a snap of his fingers, Billy prepare his guards. Reminding the two corner rats that he have the advantage in this situation.

" What make you think that you will escape here."

The guards move a step closer with prompted Rivera protective instincts to kick in. Immediately shielding Luka from any possible danger as promise. Seeing the despair slowly becoming evidence in Rivera expression despite her tough talk from before. Billy once again gives her the option he listed before

Which is for Rivera to enter a deal with him by becoming his girl and letting them live without telling a single soul about the discovery.

" Or die by my hand and expect nothing out of all the hard planning you two put in just to save your human friend," Billy words hold supreme against the two intruders.

Once again Rivera hesitate at first to answer. But looking back to see Luka winking at her strangely. Rivera voice her options loud and clear like the elegant lady that she is.

" I am sorry but I will never be your girl and I won't die until I see Lora again."

Billy is visable shaken by Rivera harsh words. No matter what he does he just cannot win the heart of this girl.

" You know what Rivera, I really hate disobedience girl like you the most," he said  before snapping his fingers again to signal to his guards to advance on the two.

The guard looking at Rivera with lustful eyes, question their boss if they can at least have a little fun with her before killing her. At this point Billy doesn't care after having his heart rejected for the many time by this one girl. The things a broken heart can make others do I guess.

Without his sister presence to protect Rivera from horn dog men like these. Luka now takes up the role to protect Rivera. It is now his turn to show how much of a man he can be for someone he love. Luka with determination steps in front of Billy and his guards ready to prove that he is all bark with little talk.

At first the guards didn't believe that a kid like Luka could hold up against dozen of train arms guards, even if he is the son of a former alpha. Little did they know that the fearless boy have something up his sleeve that definitely surprises the enemies. Behind Luka hand is a smoke bomb he secretly held out to Rivera standing behind him who have secretly case a spell to lite the smoke bomb when Billy and the guards was looking down on him. Billy and the other noticing while Luka stands in front.

That wink Luka gave Rivera earlier is a signal to indicate that something is ready, and that something is the smoke bomb that Rivera lite after casing a silent chant fire magic spell. Billy and his guards pick up on their plan but it was already too late. Luka throw the smoke bomb at the guards obstructing their vision and smell with a tight grey smoke when it exploded.

Wasting no time to escape, the two transform into their wolf form for greater speed. Rivera led the way as they both push past the Billy and the guards. Running and making a mad dash down the hall heading to a window on the other end. Ending up on the outside after jumping and breaking through the window that shocks Billy. Landing safely into the forest that is just behind the house.

The reason for this is to avoid getting shot by arrows being shooting at them by the guards. Billy out of anger strike the head of one of the guard for failing to stop them. He order all of them to go after them before they report this to the elders.

" We must stop them all cost, don't let them escape from the forest."

After Billy words he enter into his wolf form as well as the guards and they all jump out of the same broken window that Rivera and Luka break. Giving chase after them through the forest. Going through the dark forest with only the power of their eyes to see clearly. That wasn't enough to help Luka and Rivera to get to the village before Billy and his gang caught up.

Rivera isn't much of the atletic type and Luka is still too young trying to out run these fully grown and trained warriors. So after running what feels like a very long time. One of the wolves caught up to them after getting close to Rivera, who is putting her all into running. The rude dog takes the opportunity to pounce on Rivera. Leaping high into the air only to feel the pain one receive from crashing into a tree after Rivera skillfuly get out of the way.

Around three wolves manage to overlap them blocking them off from going any further. Rivera and Luka are now force to take a different route that leads further away from the village. The road led them to a very steep hill going up to firefly hill where Lora went with her father to celebrate her 18th birthday.

Luka knowing this hill like that back of his hand since he offer visit the hill with Lora. He took the lead so that Rivera can follow him on the safest path going up. But Rivera fail to keep up at the very end when her back leg got stuck between two tree roots sticking out of the ground. Giving the wolf who is Billy the chance to grab Rivera from continuing to escape. He does this by sinking his fangs into her back leg while at the same time, pulling her aggressively back down the hill.

Rivera howl in pain before Billy receive a claw slash across the face by Luka who came to the her rescue. Saving her from a impended doom. Getting some distance from Billy after the strike he gotten from Luka cause him to fall back down on the other wolves who was right behind him.

Ever still they are relentless to stop the two from spreading the news otherwise it will be the end for him. Showing a more aggressive and serious tone before getting back on track to chase down Rivera and Luka.

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