Trickery, Quite Possibly Tomfoolery

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After 281818187171,271881818181 decades, the Omz crew finally made it to the cool mountain resort. It had epic waterfalls surrounding the 2i277,2818*×*272727 mile long perimeter, and the sheer force of the delicacies surrounding the resort was so fucking cool that everyone screamed. It turns out, there were 1092828x more delicacies than the ad said. This was officially the best place ever.

After everyone got out of the van, it immediately crumbled into dust due to the sheer pressure of the journey. Oh well, that shit was 1990's hippie anyways. Nobody liked it except Heather, and she's a background character so nobody likes her. Except Omz of course. But he wasn't allowed to say that or else Crystal would crunch his arms off and digest them in front of him again. He definitely didn't want that, so he agreed to treat Heather like a crusty goblin when it was secretly Crystal who was the busty rusty rat.

Everyone screamed as the sheer force of the resort overcame them. This time, Omz screamed with them. His dream was finally coming true!!! He'd be able to see and make out with the dog statue!!! He sped to the resort at full force. The gang followed close behind. Roxy turned into a tiger to go faster, but since Omz was so excited, he didn't get traumatized. Instead, he tamed the jungle mammal and rode him to get to the check-in quicker.

Once the gang was all at the check-in, there was a bell to ring for assistance. Omz slammed the bell so hard that it moaned.

"A-A-A-Again daddy~~~~~" The bell begged. Sick and tired of the metal creature's shenanigans, he vored it to silence it. Big mistake.

The bell suddenly rang at a force of 2818919,8181881818 volts, and the force of the ring decinigrated all of Omz's organs. When the pile of ashes that was now the former YouTuber settled, the bell was eating the organs. It was so tough, especially when it turned and looked at the gang with scary eyes for fifteen minutes.

After 2828188,1919919199 hours, an assistant finally came. Everyone screamed in joy because they would finally get a room, but they were wrong. Dead wrong.

"Credit card please" The assistant said. Immediately, everyone stopped partying and having orgies in celebration. Omz, who had come back to life at the sound of a party, collapsed to his knees once he realized that he'd spent 281818187171,271881818181 decades travelling with his annoying ass gang in a dusty rusty car just to forget to bring any form of payment. Now, he would NEVER get to see the dog statue, and he would also have to go home in the now shriveled-to-dust car. Everything had been for nothing.

"Cheer up pookie" Luke soothed, brushing his fingers through Omz's luxurious, fluffy hair. His eyes twinkled with love and care, making Omz sniffle one last time before he settled under his soft touch. "We don't need a dumbass dog statue to have a blast... in fact... why don't we-"

"DON'T FUCKING INSULT MY DOG STATUE BITCH!!!!!" Omz roared, randomly mad now. The sheer force of his cry blew Luke's ass back 271718717,2818818 square miles, and he crunched against the assistance desk wall. In the process, he activated a lever, and it opened a deep pit. The Omz gang stayed in the air for two seconds, looked at the camera and waved cartoonily, and all fell inside. They were such loony toons.

Inside of the pit, everyone piled on top of each other at the bottom. Crystal cracked her neck and agonizingly bled to death, but nobody cared about her so they ignored it.

When the gang looked up, they saw the assitant looking at them evily. She had planned this all along.

"LET ME OUT I NEED TO SEE THE DOG STATUE!!!!" Omz roared at the assitant.

"There is no dog statue......" The assistant bellowed intimidatingly. "Only inevitable, agonizing death. Have fun starving....."

"WHAT?#??1??1?1?+!#1&1?1:!!??" The gang screamed in unison. The whole resort had been a trap. The assistant closed the pit, and they were sealed in darkness forever.

Omz broke down in tears at this reveal. He could not believe the statue he'd seen on TV, fell in love with, and masturbated to at every gas station stop during the trip had never even existed. He got so mad that he just wanted to kill everyone. At that exact moment, Luke crawled over to his senpai despite having 3728188,281818 broken bones and muscles.

"C-C-Cheer up pookie...." Luke groaned, still attempting to sooth his crush. Unfortunately, poor Lukey had shown up at the wrong time. Omz grabbed him, bit him, swung him, crunched him, fucked him I-I-I mean fucked him up, and swallowed his destroyed form whole. One thing was for sure, he wouldn't starve for a while. The rest of the gang would though, but Omz didn't care about them because he was so mad.

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang feasted on Crystal. Now that they were supplemented, they would not have to find food for a few days. But once the hunger settled back in, the battle would be on.

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