Megan ruins everything because she's a stupid idiot

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Once upon a time, months after the gnarly road trip + dog statue scandal, the Omz crew was having a blast in their house. It was a sleepover, and it was super fun. But little did they know, a stupid mole would soon rain on their parade.

In the forest, a crusty stinky and fat ground hog was walking, when she decided she hated herself. But instead of committing suicide (like she sho- I'm kidding I'm kidding guys), she instead turned into a forest ahh human girl. She also decided she wanted a boyfriend, so she began her trek to OmzCity™️ to find a hot new mate.

Meanwhile at the sleepover, Crystal was screaming at Heather for standing 19398382,82828383 meters away from Omz like usual (she thought she was trying to steal him). When suddenly, the door was busted down. Everyone screamed in horror, and a shadow slowly revealed itself. Everyone held each other and shook in fear as the undisclosed figure advanced at a scary pace, meanwhile Roxy and Lily kept playing Uno in the background. They literally didn't even notice the intrusion.

"UNO!!!!!!!" Roxy screamed, and Lily got jealous. She hollered in revenge, and Roxy fainted. She took the opportunity to see what his last card was, and when he woke up, he saw that Lily changed the top color of the deck. Roxy wailed in agony as he was forced to draw 282994929,832994839202 cards (she put his last card color at the very end). Now they would have to play for another 27399282,2883848283883 hours. They lowkey didn't even care about the person that was likely about to murder everyone in this house.

"W-W-Who are you?1?1??1?1?1?1" Omz stuttered, clutching his wife Crystal in terror. She was snarling like a wolf ready to chase her meal, but Omz held her back for now.

The shadow figure laughed evily, and revealed herself. Everyone in the house gasped in surprise at the grass woman, especially the girls. Crystal didn't though. She didn't like anyone who wasn't her Omzy poo.

"Yaaaas another slay bestie!!!" Alexa cried, and raced to her new best friend. Heather joined her, and Lily did too. She left Roxy in the dust, and he sobbed as he continued to draw cards (she made the deck 28399392910102939848391929847482919398492928384828299302019284729919,828492029938482919918474919298374929297373829 cards long to lengthen the suffering).

But instead of welcoming her new slay besties, the girl glared at them menacingly.

"Omg what's your name????" Heather asked excitedly. "And how many TikTok followers do you have???"

"None." She growled. "And as for my name..... it's......."

The girls leaned forward in anticipation. Even the boys did, despite not caring. They just liked epic stuff.

"MEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!" She roared, blowing everyone back. With her victims now weakened, she got out a machete and started to chase the girls. They screamed and tried to escape their fate, but it was useless, and they died brutally. Crystal was the strongest out the girls though, and she lasted a decent amount of minutes. But eventually, Megan slayed her too. Next, she furiously glared at the boys. Luke and Roxy screamed and sped away, but it was also useless. Megan cut off Luke's hands so he couldn't touch Omz's ass, and crunched Roxy's body parts and swallowed them whole. Now, all that was left was Omz.

Omz shook in trauma against the wall as Megan approached scarifully.

"P-P-P-Please don't kill me!!!!" Omz wailed, doing the same thing every scared person does (says please 18382982,72838382 times). Megan didn't listen and kept advancing.

"I-I-I-I-I'll give you all my v-buck cards!!! Please!!!" Omz begged, revealing his fifteen 2,000 v-buck cards. Megan stared at them unimpressedly, and slashed them with her machete. Omz sobbed as his death came closer.

"There's only one thing I want from you......" Megan snarled. Omz whimpered and looked up at his tormentor. "For you to be my boyfriend............."

"W-W-What? I-I-I-I don't even know you!!!!" Omz cried, exasperated. Megan got mad at his resistance and slashed his hair so that he looked emo. Omz cried harder and ran away.

"Fine, be that way!!!!" Megan roared. "I'll find you Omzy Womzy poo poo bear, and I will smooch you!!!!!! Be prepared, the MEGAN VILLAIN ARC IS ON!!!!!!"

Omz was running in the rain so he lowkey didn't even hear her. Megan's tough threat went unnoticed.

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