Part 7

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The rest of the crew joins Lyra out on the cliff. 

"Sweet mother of Jefferson Davis!"

"It's beautiful."

"Guys, I got to hand it to you, you really came through." Sweet pats Milo and Lyra on the back. Lyra smiles up at Sweet. 

A screeching noise from behind the crew made all of them turn around. About five people wearing masks with weapons drop down from the drill. One of the taller ones say something to fast for Lyra to understand. 

Rourke takes a step backwards "Holy cats! Who are these guys?" He places a hand on his gun. 

Milo's face light's up with a smile. "They gotta be Atlanteans."

Helga frowns. "What? That's impossible!"

"I've seen this back in the Dakota." Cookie says looking worried. "They can smell fear just by looking at ya. So, keep quiet."

The tallest one points their weapon at Lyra and gestures for her to move aside which she does so quickly, not wanting to make them mad. Once she is aside he starts talking in Atlantean at a speed were Lyra can't understand most of the words. 

Lyra takes a step closer to them while hold up her hand showing them that she means no harm. "E-Excuse me? We don't want to hurt you. We have been looking for Atlantis and did not know that people were here." As Lyra talks the tallest takes off his mask and Lyra is surprised to see that it is the stranger from earlier. "Please, forgive my language, I still learn." 

The stranger has a small smile as he looks at her. "How do you know our language?"

Milo takes a step forward. "Its like French," Milo then talks in Franch. "Parlaz-vous Francis?"

The stranger loses any trace of a smile. "Oui, monsieur."

Mole smiles and steps up front. "They speak my language! Pardon, Monsieur." The man bends down so Mole and whisper in his ear. Mole says something while pointing at another Atlantean. The Atlantean girl heard what he said and punched him before backing into her stop. 

Sweet smiles. "Ooh. I like her." He starts clapping.

Audrey also smiles. "'Bout time someone hit him. I'm sorry it wasn't me." Everyone starts to look at each other and talk. "How do they know all these languages?" 

While Milo answers Audrey the stranger from before walks up to Lyra and smiles at her. "What's your name?" 

Lyra smiles back at him. "My name Lyra, you?"

"Kai." Lyra smiles a little wider when he says his name. Kai takes a hold of one of Lyra's hands and places a kiss on the back of it. "Beautiful name for a beautiful soul."

Lyra blushes at his words. "T-Thank you." 

Lyra has noticed that his crystal was a glowing blue a little bit ago and now it is the purplish color. Lyra was about to say something about it but doesn't when Rourke starts talking. "We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace."

Kai smiles and keeps Lyra hand in his. "Welcome to the city of Atlantis. Come. You must speak with my father now." Kai make sures that Lyra wants to come with him first before he starts walking. 

"Squad B' head back to the shaft and salvage what you can."

"Yes, sir!"

"We'll rendezvous in 24 hours."

Lyra and Kai walked hand in hand the whole time, quietly talking to each other. 

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Lyra looks around in awe while they walk into a castle. Kai lets go of Lyra's hand as he takes the lead and then his crystal slowly turns back to blue. "Greetings your Highness. I have brought the visitors." Kai bows down to the king, which Lyra and Milo follow.

"You know the law, Kai. No outsiders may see the city and live." The king says which makes Kai clench his fist. 

"Father... These people may be able to help us."

"We do not need their help."

"But father... I have-"

"That is enough. We will discuss this later."

Rourke thinks this is a great time to speak up. "Your Majesty. On behalf of my crew, may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city." Rourke does a small bow and starts walking closer to the king, which Milo tries to stop him. 

"You presume much to think you are welcome here."

"Oh, sir, we have come a long way looking for-"

"I know what you seek, and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain." 

"But we are peaceful explorer's men of science."

The king chuckles. "And yet you bring weapons."

"Our weapons allow us to remove obstacles we may encounter."

"Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force." The king stands and walks forward. "Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once." 

Kai quickly goes to Lyra and grabs her hand. "Father-"

"Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable."

"Sir-" Milo tires. 

"Not now, son." 

"Trust me on this. We better do as he says."

Rourke clears his throat. "May I respectfully requestion that we stay one night, sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply, and be ready to travel by morning."


"Father, please!" Kai tightens his hand around Lyra as if he's scared that she is going to disappear. "I have found the one. The one that make my crystal purple. She is one of them."

The king stays silent. "It couldn't have been one of our own people." The king mutters. "Very well. She can stay, the rest have one night. That's all"

"Thank you, your Majesty." Rourke says before leaving, not really noticing what the King said. 

Lyra tighten her hand around Kai before letting go. But Kai quickly tightens his grip again. "No, you can stay."

The king chuckles. "She has already made your heart soft, Kai. Before you would have slain them on sight. But I know from experience, it's better to keep them happy." The kings laugh lovingly. 

"Before, I didn't have her." Kai kisses the back of Lyra's hand before sighing. "You and I will talk alone soon. Can I ask you to wait outside while I'll talk to my father?"

Lyra smiles up at Kai. "Of course."

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