Chapter 2~ The Passage of Time pt. 2

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Year 2798 of the third age
Month of Ivanneth (September)

-The next evening-

Sauron's POV

Today marks the beginning of a new me. I spent my day preparing everything for tonight, and clearing out the ritual area of other lifeforms. I don't want to risk another life force and energy mixing with ours and potentially ruining the ritual.

After ensuring the bathing pool was full and clear on the tallest part of the fortress under the clear sky, I made my way to the darkest cell where my new vessel awaits. Usually I'd allow her to hear my footsteps, it's just another way of tormenting her. Tonight though, I don't want her to know I'm here yet. One of the guards I have here to keep the lady fed will be blindfolding her and taking her to the ritual area. There I will allow her to relax enough to begin bathing and then, I will start.

***Time-Skip a few hours***

Standing within the shadows watching the lady was interesting to say the least. Watching her be as relaxed as she can within a cell, I must admit that there is something entrancing about Lady Elbereth. The joining part of tonight certainly won't be a hardship to perform, well, for me at least.

I hear the guard coming now, good. It's almost time to begin...

"Dajo alnej" 'Follow me' he told her. I can see her confused hesitation. Considering her situation, it is understandable. "Why?" She asked even as she stood. When she was close enough to him I could see the guard grab her and spin her around. He swiftly tied the blindfold around her eyes and tied an extra rope around her wrists to keep her from fighting. Smart.

"Mas ledhiam? Amman?" I could hear her calling out. Just ahead of me I was able to see her silver hair waving about as she struggled against being dragged out of her cell and into the starlit night.

-On the tallest roof of Gundabad-

"Lat liwo olk daka" he demanded her to not move as he held the lady still. Forcibly removing the blindfold, and unbinding her wrists. I watched as he pushed her closer to the center of the roof to where the pool filled with the dark seas water sits, just waiting.

"Elo!" I heard her breath out on wonder at the view. Not that I blame her. The stars covering the dark sky would always be a sight to behold. Tonight however, the stars seem to be dim in comparison to her.

Underneath the starlight. Elbereth was radient. Her silver hair flowing all the way down her back looked to be reflecting the stars, her pale milky white skin almost seemed to glow.

It was her eyes however, that truly showed why she got her name as 'Queen of the Stars'.

It was her eyes however, that truly showed why she got her name as 'Queen of the Stars'

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