Enders (1)

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Finding out you're even more different than you actually thought you were... sucks. I'd found out the year before that I was different from everyone else; that I wasn't normal. And then one year later, I was told I was even more different. I was even more different than the other people that were supposed to be different with me. 

At first, I hated the thought of this. I didn't want to be different. I didn't want to be special. It took me so long to get used to being different the first time, and I felt like I was never going to get used to it the second. Mostly because I had no one to relate to this time.

The DAU was lonely without my teammates. Lena would come over and visit me often, but I still missed the company of my other friends that I had gotten so used to. They'd gone from always being by my side to not being near me at all.

This was good for us. I knew it was. I needed more training and they needed to do their own things. One day, it would always be like this. We'd retire from the DAU and rarely ever see each other. Maybe even never see each other again. But I didn't like thinking about that.

It was strange to think that I'd only known about this life I was living for a little over a year. I used to just be a sad foster kid that had absolutely no one to really depend on, but now I had friends that cared about me. I never ever wanted to go back to the way I used to be.So much had changed in the three months we'd been separated. Hank and Nay trained me nearly every single day, and I had much better control over my powers than I ever had before. I learned how to drive, Nay took my shopping for better clothes, and I'd even started to learn Spanish to help me through some of the boring days.

I didn't spend all my time with Hank and Nay. I could tell when they wanted alone time, and whenever they did, it'd always annoy me. Not because they didn't want me around, but because everyone knew how they felt about each other and yet they were still ignoring it because they both believed people in the DAU shouldn't have relationships with each other. 

They sure weren't going to be happy whenever they found out about Dex and me, whatever was happening between us. But knowing my mentors, they probably already knew but just hadn't said anything about it yet. But other than them completely ignoring their feelings for each other, I liked spending time with my mentors. 

But I still missed my friends. I hadn't spoken to any of them in months, and I couldn't help but wonder how they were doing. I wanted them back here with me.

I had a calendar pinned to the wall in my room, crossing off each day until the day they'd return. And that day was finally, finally, today. 

I'd missed my friends, but I would finally get to see them. Our three months apart would finally be over.

Even though we didn't always get along, I did miss them all. I'd missed Anthony's smart comments, Kristie's optimism toward everything... Aiden was someone I had mixed feelings toward, and I wouldn't have really minded if he decided to stay away for a little bit longer, but the team wouldn't have been the same without him. I just wished he was a little less rude sometimes. 

And then there was Dex... I couldn't wait to see Dex. 

It was weird. The way I felt about Dex was just... weird. I had had a crush on Tom, but my feelings for Dex were... different than that. And I couldn't really understand it. It wasn't something I disliked; I actually really liked feeling this way about him. But it was just weird because I barely understood it.

But then there was Tom. I hated thinking that I had once had a crush on him, but it was true. He had deceived and lied to me, and I'd fallen for him. He was still free, most likely back at Redrum laughing at how he had tricked all of us. But he didn't matter to me anymore.

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