18. Rescue

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Thomas finds Newt at the top of the building sitting on the edge. "Sorry about that. Back there." Newt apologizes. Thomas kneels down close to him.

"I guess I can't hide this anymore" Newt says pulling up his jacket sleeve. Revealing the scratch mark a crank gave him. "Why didn't you tell me?" Thomas softly asks. "Didn't think it would make any difference. All I know is that wicked must have put me in that maze for a reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me."

"You know we can still fix this Newt. Okay? We can."

"Did I ever tell you about when I broke my leg? It was way back in the maze. I just came up with the box just like all the other guys. I didn't know where I was I didn't know who I was, you know. And even though all my memories were gone I could still feel that something was missing. You know? I felt empty. And I just couldn't have that, I couldn't take it. So one morning I got up early and I snuck out into the maze. And I went and I found the tallest wall I could. And I climbed up there and, I jumped off it."

Thomas's gazed softened as he looked to the floor. "I got completely tangled up in all the ivy. Snapped my leg in 3 different places. Like a proper shank." Newt joked. Thomas let out a small laugh.

"Landed hard on the floor. And I thought that was it. Of course that was before I knew I had a sister. Then Sylvia found me. Somehow. She picked me up and she took me back to the glade. And we never told anyone the truth about what happened. She saved me, she gave me a second chance. Made me full again. And now she needs us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save her. We can get her out of there then we have to take that. No matter what the cost."

Thomas gives a small nod. "Okay, I hear you." Newt nods back. They stare at the city infront of them. Where Sylvia was.



Guards sat Sylvia down in-front of Teresa. Sylvia didn't plan on saying anything. She didn't even want to look at her.

"Sylvia, can you hear me? There's a little girl here. Her name is Shai Lun. She's been infected for 3 weeks now. But, Sylvia you're going to save her. And you can save so many others. Everything we're doing here. It's working. Do you understand? That's why this is so important."

Teresa sighs when Sylvia doesn't answer. "I busted wanted you to know" she says after standing up. "Teresa." Sylvia softly says. Luring her over.


"You're a traitor!" Sylvia jumps out of her seat and pins her against the table. "We trusted you!"

Guards rushed into the room. Sylvia slipped a sharp pin into her hand. "I'll kill you Teresa! Traitor! You killed them all!"



Thomas lured Teresa to an empty alley. "Thomas."

"Hey, Teresa." Thomas says.

"You shouldn't be here. If Janson finds out you're here" Teresa sighs. "I'm not staying. It's just uh. I had to see you. I had to ask you something. Do you regret it. What you did to us?"

"Sometimes. But I did what I thought was right. I'd do it again"



Newt snatched the cloth off Teresa's head. "Gally?" She asks. "Here's how this is gonna go." Gally replies with his arms crossed. "We're gonna ask you some questions. And you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple. Where's Sylvia?"

Girl Who Ran the Maze • ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now