08. Grand Massacre

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"Everybody hide now!" Sylvia yells. Sylvia ran to the corn stalks with Thomas right behind her. "Stay down!" She hissed.

"Zart!" A claw pinned Zart down to the floor. It yanked him away. "This isn't going to work. Council Hall. Council Hall now!"

They ran into Alby. "Alby!"

"What's going on?"

"They're here."


Sylvia got ahold of her katanas as she stood infront of the group. Scanning the glade she counted 4 grievers. And more coming. "Sylvia! What do we do?"

"Alright alright. Everybody run stay behind me!" Sylvia yells. A griever rolled infront of them. It's stinger in the air. Sylvia dashed towards the fire lantern and chucked it at the griever. The griever caught on fire as it screeched. "Come on! Move it!" Sylvia yells.

Sylvia could see the light of the torches and everyone running towards the council hall. Sylvia fell back as everyone ran. She ran next to Thomas. "Keep moving" he yelled. Alby tripped causing most people to stop and help him up.

Sylvia pounced as she held her katanas facing the griever. "Come on!" Thomas yelled holding a machete. Suddenly spears got thrown into the griever.

"Over here come on let's go!" Frypan yells with Newt next to him. They shoved everyone into the council hall and boarded the door up.

They could see the griever from the cracks in the wood. "Careful" Teresa whispered. The roof started shaking as everyone gasped. They could see the shadow of the griever as it crawled across the roof. Everyone piled to one side. Suddenly a griever claw stuck through the ceiling. It yanked away a supporting pole causing the whole roof to collapse.

Sylvia shoved the logs off her as she retrieved her swords. "Help!"

The griever got a hold of Chuck as everyone went to grab him. "Don't let go!"

"No shit!"

Suddenly Alby got a wooden axe and start cutting the grievers arm. The griever let go as Alby screamed at it. "Chuck you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks Alby"

"Alby watch out!" Sylvia screamed. Alby hanged onto the walls of council hall as Thomas tried to pull him back. But he wasn't strong enough.

Thomas ran outside. Causing Sylvia to follow. The glade was. Ruined.

"Where is everybody?"

"Whose that over there"

Sylvia saw the big shadow of Gally storming up to them. "Gally."

Gally took a full swing at Thomas punching his cheek. "This is all you Thomas!" Gally yelled as boys started holding him back.

"Back up Gally it's not Thomas's fault!" Minho yelled.

"You heard Alby. He's one of them. He's one of them and they send him here to destroy everything, and now he has. Look around Thomas. Look around. This is your fault."

"Gally, shut up man. What are you talking about?" Sylvia screamed to him. "They sent him here and he's destroyed everything we've built!"

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