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They eloped and left Forks. They both liked the idea of being alone and Emmett wouldn't feel like he is being forced in protecting someone that wasn't his mate. He looked at RaeLynn as she slept and smiled. Hearing his phone, he answered it. "Hello?"

"Where are you at? We are throwing a welcome home party/birthday..."

"Stop right there. Whose idea wasn't it to throw a party when it's not Rae's birthday? I will not be forced to protect or focus on a human who isn't my wife! RaeLynn Cullen is more important to me than Bella Swan. You guys can, but I refuse to do that when I have a mate." He looked at his wife and smiled. "I'm sorry, but I think it's best you leave us alone and don't contact us."

Hanging up, Emmett focused on driving.
Rosalie looked at Michael who hung the phone up. Rosalie looked at him shocked as she knew this was the end. "She finally got what she wanted and now, we have to deal with it because what Edward says goes." She says as she looked at them as Bella walked downstairs to feel tension. "All for a damn human who is desperate to turn."

"Did something happen?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Michael stated as he held Rosalie in his arms. "Because of you, RaeLynn and Emmett eloped and left before coming back here. Emmett feels like he will be forced to do whatever for you instead of focusing on the one he truly loves. To him, you are just a human who is obsessed with being turned."

Edward didn't say a word as he knew that they were speaking the truth. Some way, somehow, Emmett will be forced into protecting someone that isn't important to him. "I'm happy for them." Edward tells them. "He put RaeLynn first and Bella shouldn't be anyone else's problem, but mine. I'm not forcing Emmett to focus on Bella."

Bella couldn't believe that's how they felt. She didn't want anyone's attention, but Edward's, sighing, she knew this party may be a disaster.
"So they called to see where we're at?"

"Yeah, but I told them that we are going back. I want us to go back home. Our home." RaeLynn looked at him. "This time as husband and wife."

RaeLynn smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder as they waited for their plane. "How about we drive?" She suggested. "We can stop at hotels, we can switch places as I drive a little. Let's make more memories."

Emmett looked at her smiling. "Let's make more memories."

Kissing him, RaeLynn was ready to start fresh. With the man she loves and a journey back home. Hearing their phones ringing, they broke apart to see it was the others, but they did one thing, text Rosalie and Michael where they were going and they were done.

Putting the phones away, Emmett stood up and grabbed the bags. RaeLynn smiled as she grabbed the other bags and followed him as they were going on a journey back home.

See You Again-Emmet CullenWhere stories live. Discover now