Chapter 1: The Symbol of the Stars

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!Just a heads up!

This story is written in an interactive roleplay format to allow the readers to imagine each scene through speech and actions for comic writing purposes. This means that if the chapter is shorter, it is generally because the sentences contain more detail for image transfer. If you do not enjoy this story like this, please do not read it. Thank you and enjoy.

Text must be read in a specific way to make sense; it will jump from character to character. This means that the text relating to the first person mentioned will not end until the next character is mentioned.


Person 1: {"Speech"} {Narration/Action}


Person 2: {"Speech"} {Narration/Action}


Other meanings:

"????:" = If a character is listed as "????:" their name has not yet been stated in the story.

✎The story begins here.✎

Within the vast, empty expanse, a profound sense of frigid nothingness permeated the atmosphere as though all life had been sucked away into the black void. The mind, too, felt empty and void of thought, as if caught in a perpetual state of limbo. Yet, a faint voice called out from this void, breaking through the stillness. Its echo reverberated through the darkness, sparking a glimmer of hope that perhaps there was something more beyond this emptiness.

"May you use your light's radiance as a weapon and the sincerity of your truth as a safeguard. Pursue righteousness and cultivate the desire to motivate those around you with love, optimism, aspiration, and clarity. Become the champion others require, the embodiment of all that is good. Do not allow the fear of darkness or death to destroy your purity or love. Illuminate the world with your brilliance, my creation."

????: As the being gradually regained consciousness, it experienced a sudden jolt of energy coursing through its body. The bright light and warmth of the sky caused its gleaming green eyes to lose focus momentarily. It felt lost and bewildered, with all memories seemingly erased from its mind. When it placed its hand on the soft grass, it realized it was no longer in a familiar environment and struggled to comprehend the world. "W-where am I?" he thought with a face full of concern and curiosity.

As he wandered through the forest, he suddenly became captivated by the tranquil sound of flowing water. His gaze was drawn to a mystical body of water glowing in the distance. A magnificent waterfall cascaded down from the mountaintop, creating a breathtaking sight. He leaned closer, his eyes transfixed by the mesmerizing pools of mystical blue energy. As he stood there, he couldn't help but notice his unique features, including his deep grayish skin and long black hair with delicate golden accents that flowed in the wind.

Turning his attention away from the pool of water, he looked down at himself kneeling on the ground, tugging on the strange attire attached to his body; the weird clothing on his body had a blankness to it, lacking in design and a color similar to his skin, but it felt just right on him like a warm hug tightening around his figure.

He sensed that his attire had a much deeper meaning, but as he analyzed his new suit, he noticed something more interesting. There were some strange symbols in the palms of his hands. Raising one of his hands, he grazed against it; this strange sword-like on his hands had some importance, and an overwhelming feeling of curiosity and determination filled his heart to discover what it meant and who he was.

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