Chapter 8: Justice Will Prevail

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Flashback Line: (This little divider will hint towards a flashback of some kind, which will help pace the story out a little more.)

✎The story begins here.✎

Star: He fell to the floor of the void, his body trembling a bit from exhaustion. "Dang, it...that is the...30th time you have beaten me!" He was panting, his body bruised from the sparring matches against Radna, he slammed his fist into the ground slightly frustrated.

Radna: He chuckled, "I told you wouldn't lay a finger on me, it's going to take some time but you'll get there eventually." He offered his hand to Star, "C'mon, I think we have done enough for today."

Star: He looked at his hand, before looking back at the floor, sighing, "How am I supposed to get better if I can't even beat you once, I could barely knock you off your feet."

Radna: "Heros do not become great overnight, they do not dwell on their failures in the past, they focus on only what lies in the moment. You will eventually get there, you have to believe in yourself, your strength, and your faith. Which all starts by getting up when you are knocked down." He held his hand further out towards Star.

Star: He smiled slightly before taking his hand, and pulling himself up. "You must've bested me quite often in your previous life to be this knowledgable and skilled."

Radna: "Oh nah I got my ass whooped often, I just stopped trying at a certain point. You would not catch me even raising a finger around you."

Star: He raised an eyebrow, "So what is this? Payback for those times?"

Radna: "Yeah pretty much." He laughed, patting Star on the back, turning away to pick up his hooks.

Star: He rolled his eyes, before suddenly remembering something, "Hey Radna?"

Radna: "Wassup dude?" He turned around to face him.

Star: "When you mentioned the people who had bested me in your past life, you only mentioned your brother, but you said there were two. Who was the other person?" He tilted his head, awaiting an answer.

Radna: He sighed, looking down at the floor before answering, "I do not remember their name, nor their face, I'm sorry if that is not the answer you wanted."

Star: "Oh." He rubbed his arm, "Sorry for asking."

Radna: He looked over at Star, "Well, I do remember them saying something though, a phrase."

Star: "What did they say?"

Radna: "'Where there is good, there is bad, and where there is bad, there is good. The light pushes away the darkness to have purpose for that is all light does, but at the end of the chapters, all there will be, is darkness.'"

Star: He blinked a few times, processing that phrase. "Hmm...interesting."

Radna: He nudged Star playfully, "But hey, c'mon let's not dwell on the past, they ain't here anyway. Let's get you back to earth."

Star: He snapped out of his trance, nodding, "Right."

Randa: He snapped his fingers, opening a bright purple portal. Before they could enter it, they were interrupted by a voice coming from the edge of the void. "Huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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