Chapter 7: A Moment of Peace

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Star: Surrounded by the sound of people talking and cars passing by, they felt a sense of peace as they compared it to the sounds of Hell. "Here we are, I saw this little coffee shop when I first came here and thought it would be a good place for us to have a conversation."

Radna: He itched the hole in his chest, looking down the street and noticing a group of construction workers fixing up the street. "What the fuck happened over there?"

Star: "Hmm?" he followed Radna's gaze. "Oh, when I first arrived, there was a little incident with a demon. I'm still unsure what they were doing here in the first place."

Radna: "Demons do dumb shit all the time, it probably was just trying to torment people for the fun of it."

Waitress: A well-dressed woman approached the podium while looking down at a tablet screen. "Thank you for your patience. How can I assist you?" she asked, lifting her gaze from the screen. However, as she looked up, she was momentarily stunned by the sight of two unfamiliar figures. "Oh, uhm," she stammered, her body shaking nervously as she struggled to regain her composure.

Star: "Excuse me, are you okay?" He leaned in to check if she required assistance.

Waitress: She took a step back, inhaling deeply. "I'm fine, thank you. A table for two, I presume? Would you prefer indoor or outdoor seating?"

Star: He made sure she composed herself before nodding, "Outside please, thank you miss."

Waitress: She deftly picked up two menus and gestured towards the outside seating area. "Please follow me," she said in a friendly tone. As she led the couple to their table, she stumbled slightly but quickly regained her footing and continued with confidence.

Once they arrived at the secluded table, the server set the menus down with a gentle thud. "Here you two are," she said with a smile. "Somebody will be with you shortly." She then gave them a quick nod before turning and walking away, leaving them to peruse the menus in peace. The gentle rustle of the nearby trees provided a peaceful ambiance, and the distant chatter of other diners added to the charming atmosphere of the restaurant.

Star: He took a seat and looked at the menu after noticing how nervous and concerned she appeared around them. "Why are humans so afraid of us? I feel awful."

Radna: He sat down and chuckled, "You have much to learn about facial expressions, Star. She wasn't afraid of us. I've seen that look before."

Star: He looked up at him, tilting his head, "What do you mean? She was shaking-"

Radna: He leaned back in his chair and said, "You'll eventually learn about facial expressions and nervous humans, but I know you didn't invite me out here to the mortal world just to talk about that. So, tell me, what is it that you wish to discuss?"

Star: He put the menu down before speaking, "During the fight between me and Lucifer, you seemed to possess a tremendous knowledge of my flaws. It's not just because you're an experienced warrior. After all, I only arrived in this world a few days ago. It's hard for me to believe that you could have known that my gauntlets were limiting the forces of my punches after just meeting me." Before Radna could answer, another waitress approached the table.

Waitress: A woman stopped at their table, pulling out a small notepad and pen from her apron pockets. "Hello folks, my name is Amanda I will be your waiter today, what can I get for you two?" Her tone was slightly shakey and nervous, but she kept herself calm.

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