Chapter 5: Judge or Execution

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Radna: He rests his hand against the armrest of his throne; he stares upon it for a few moments before finally taking a seat. A pulse shot down of the mountain it rested upon, signaling all of Hell that its king had returned.

????: A female demon suddenly appeared near the throne and started examining Radna from head to toe. She was wearing a bright pink outfit that was quite revealing, which made her stand out from the rest of Hell. "So, you're the new king of Hell? I can see why they chose you~," she said with a mischievous grin.

Radna: He snarled at the sight of her, having a slight idea of her intentions. "What do you want..." He spoke out of pure annoyance; demons don't appear to the king just because they want to say hi.

????: She giggled at his attitude, "My my, that is no way to speak to one of the Seven Deadly Sins~. My name is Elevyier, and I am here to make sure you understand how things are going to work down here." She grazed her nails against Radna's arm; he pulled away in response.

Radna: "Fucking excuse me?" He tilted his head, becoming more annoyed as this Sin asserted herself. "What exactly do you mean by, 'How things are going to work.'"

Elevyier: "Well, most new kings must understand the rules and what they must provide for the Seven Deadly Sins, starting with what you must provide for me~. Lucium was not a very giving king, but I know you will be able to give me my fill~." She placed her hand on his chest, attempting to use her magic to seduce Radna.

Radna: Grabbing her arm, he stood up slowly, gazing into her eyes, giving her a slight seductive smile. He slams her face into the throne, sending a shockwave down the mountain, cracking it down the middle. His smile dropped into a face of disgust. "You are not even the original Sin of Lust; what right do you have even coming near me..."

Elevyier: She held her face as it bled, screaming out in pain. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She was grabbed by her hair and lifted off the ground. "Put me down immediately! Do you have any idea who you are messing with?!"

Radna: He showed no remorse; the more she spoke, the more he became enraged, "...Do you? Do you think you can show up out of nowhere, command me to do as you please for your pleasure? This body was made for the only woman I ever loved; she isn't here, so nobody is allowed to touch me or even look at me in such a way. Now, get lost." He threw her into the air, watching her return to her little group.

"I fucking HATE succubi..." He spoke to himself as he walked down the mountain to the Hellish city, "Like, why does the Lust sin need a body anyway? People commit it left and right. We don't need an embodiment for it; it's pointless." As he tried to cross the bridge to the Soul City, he bumped into what seemed to be an invisible barrier; as he hit it, a wave of energy flowed outwards, making this wall feel infinite, reaching every length of Hell, restricting anyone who tried to cross the bridge.

"What is this?.." His face grew concerned, not understanding why he could not cross. He gazed down into the hellfire pit below the bridge, noticing that the fire was at a complete standstill as if stuck in time, but that could not be possible as time does not flow through Hell. He placed his hand against the invisible barrier, watching the energy flow out once more; he pressed his head against the wall, listening to it, hearing distant screams of agony and despair. He took a few steps back, knowing something was wrong, and without thinking, he punched the wall; it cracked upon his strike.

"A reality wall? Why would there be a reality wall here in Hell- Oh no..." His eyes grew wide; he understood why there would be a wall hide something. He gazed upon the frozen Roman-like structured buildings, seeing how everything visible from his side was frozen, but he knew it was a lie. He took another swing at the wall; it cracked again but would not shatter.

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