Chapter 6: Angel of Black

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Radna: Silence fell upon the outside of the temple, the sounds of anguishing screams in the distance grew louder until there was a loud crash. The side of the temple was ruptured as Radna was thrown from the building into the middle of the hellish city. He slammed his fist into the ground, enraged by the circumstance. He grunted as he rose, popping his shoulder back in its socket, "Bastards..." He yanked his chains, bringing his hell hooks back to his hands.

Lucifer: He burst forth from the hole, landing a couple hundred feet away from where Radna resided. He ripped his blade from the unholy earth, pointing it toward the purple demon, "Is this truly how you wish to die? Lower your weapons and perhaps I can make use of you as my general."

Radna: He laughed in the face of the fallen angel, "That is extremely fucking degrading, I should feel offended, but unfortunately, I don't care for the opinions of Heaven's mistake." He suddenly sensed a strange movement to his right, and with one swift motion, he grabbed the air.

Beelzebub: The centipede-like humanoid creature became visible as she was held by her neck. She clawed at Radna's hand with her razor-sharp claws, but it did little. "Release me abomination!"

Radna: He scoffed, "Yknow, I've never been a huge fan of bugs." He slammed the bug into the ground, ripping her stinger from her back, and thrusting it deep into the top of her head, green blood oozed into his hand. "Ew, fucking gross." He threw the bug's body to the floor. Beelzebub's body slowly shriveled up into a green crystal shard, burning with sinful energy. He slammed his foot upon the crystal, eradicating hell of the very idea of envy.

Lucifer: He flinched at the destruction of his sinful ally, clenching the handle of his sword. "Mammon...Asmodeus, rip this spiritual world of this nuisance, or I will ensure you two meet the same fate as Wrath..."

Asmodeus & Mammon: "yes sire..." The two larger sins leaped down from the temple stairs, the force of their landing shattering the unholy grounds.

Belphegor: "And what of me sire?"

Lucifer: "I have the perfect role for you to play." He thrust his hand into the chest of Belphegor, ripping out his sin crystal, and watching the sin's body turn into ash. He drained the crystal of its power, absorbing it into his own body. "If things don't go as planned with the other sin's...I shall strike this foe down."

Radna: He eyed the two demons, his smile widening to the edges of his face. "I'm not one for threesomes, but I am willing to try new things." He laughed maniacally, throwing his hooks into the ground behind them. He pulled on the chains the ground beneath the two ripped apart, launching them in his direction.

Mammon: "Your confidence will be your downfall!" He clasped his dragon-like feet onto the ground, swinging his fist into the face of the purple demon, the force of his punch shattered the temple grounds. He grabbed Radna by the leg, throwing him into a nearby structure.

Radna: Slightly dazed, he pushed the rubble off himself. "...I kinda felt that." He felt his face, feeling that it had cracked slightly more around his eyepatch. "You bastard! You fucked up my face more! Sure it already had a crack there and it's covered up but still!" He bolted towards Mammon, and each step he took shook the ground.

Mammon: "You sure are persistent!" He took another swing at him again as Radna charged forth.

Radna: Grabbing his fist, he swung back at Mammon, the force of his punch forcing the bones in Mammon's arm out the back of his arm, Mammon fell back, roaring in pain. "You sure are a pain in my ass. " He spoke an unknown language into his fist, magic spiraled around his hand forming a ring of black steel and a hellfire gem onto his finger.

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