Chapter 3: Fearful Uprising

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Star: Quickly and decisively, he bent his knees and launched toward the monstrous creature, causing a small shockwave. He pulled his fist back and swung at its chest as he got closer. However, before his punch could land, the creature grabbed his arm with its giant hand, catching him by surprise and hurling him backward into a nearby building. The impact force caused the building to collapse on top of him.

Aiden: "Star!" he shouted as he ran out from his hiding spot, eager to dig him up. But his hands kept phasing through every solid object he touched. "Dammit! Come on!" he muttered, frustrated as he repeatedly tried to move the bricks and wood. Suddenly, his hand made contact with the rubble, and he could feel the texture of it. He turned around suddenly as the torn creature stood above him.

????: Its entire body was visible, its ripped and rotten skin stretched to abnormal lengths, and where its arm was missing was a snapped bone and dangling pieces of meat. Its mouth was ripped open from cheek to cheek, showing its array of needle-thin-like teeth. Its skin rippled on its face as if something was crawling under it; his red eyes gleamed down at Aiden.

"Vik nu alav ro daedrok...The moon of daedrok rises on this unfaithful night." Before he continued, he grabbed Aiden, his fingers wrapping around his entire body. "I have waited for this night to come, for me to strip you of your spiritual life and finally become whole. You have outlived my wrath for a long enough time, child...but all lives must end, and yours has come, Aiden of Greenwood. Fierq ka myarok."

He formed a black sludge over his missing limb, using it to create a temporary arm. With his new limb, he peeled the burned skin off his face. He revealed his true face - a pale, bone-like texture that nothing in Heaven or Hell could love or even look upon: a face of fear.
Aiden felt a sense of dread and fear as the yellow pupils shone on his face.
The single big eye on the creature's forehead fed off his terror, fueling the other four. As he raised his hand to strike Aiden, Star erupted from the ground and punched the monster in the chest, freeing Aiden and sending the beast backward.

Star: He caught Aiden, preventing him from hitting the ground, "I gotcha, kid." he saw that Aiden was in some fear trance and could not communicate with him. "Don't worry, Aiden, I will get you outta here after I deal with him..."

He ran back with Aiden, placing him safely behind some trees; he used his strength to bend some dead trees around Aiden, creating a barrier. As he stood back up, he was backhanded from behind by the creature and sent through several trees until his body slammed into a boulder.

????: "Aral un ve chueq maayka, you are a strong chosen one. Nyvirk qie chueq lofeh...but not strong enough."

Star: He rose from his crash site, shaking off the rubble. He charged up his fists, looking up toward the voice, but his eyes widened as he noticed he was gone. He looked all around, constantly in a stance of attack, "Where are you, demon?! Come face me and leave the child alone!"

The creature's voice came from all directions, "You and I both know I cannot leave the little one alone; he has a destiny to fulfill." An invisible force knocked him to the ground, hitting him from all angles like a pinball machine; finally, a strong force of magic pinned him to the ground, the pull cracking the earth.

????: "I am no demon. I am the eternal damnation of mortal life, the destroyer of the Heavens. I am the true heir to the throne of darkness, the lord of fear, Lucium, Alak nir oloq. The primordial of fear, and you, the chosen one, have nothing that can match my power."

He appeared above Star, stomping on his back and pushing him further into the ground before leaning down to speak into Star's ear, "I will rip apart the child's spirit, and once my final soul is collected, I will rain Hell upon every world you so desperately want to protect, making you watch as I take everything from you, and only then will I kill you. Irthr vuk wol..."

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