Chapter 4: The One True King

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Lucium: "Do you truly believe a little blade can hurt me?" He let out a demonic laugh, mocking the brave angel. "You might just be the dumbest of the flock you've seen that such weapons cannot harm me."

Uriel: He unsheathed his sword swiftly, disappeared from view, and reappeared behind the monster, slicing off one of its arms.

Lucium: He jumped back from the angel, roaring in surprise and pain. "You son of a bitch!" he yelled. Confusion and rage flooded his head. Why was this angelic relic hurting him when the old ones didn't? He regrew his arm, energy building up in the tips of his claws, firing thin red beams toward Uriel, slicing through anything in their path.

Uriel: He raised his arm, and a shield unfolded from his forearm, blocking the beams. Before he had time to react, Lucium appeared before him.

Lucium: Grabbed hold of his arm, lifting him into the air before slamming him back down to the earth. "All of these changes, and for what?! To barely be better than the others were?!"

Uriel: "Shut up!" He jumped up, kicking Lucium in the jaw before slashing him across the chest with the blade.

Lucium: He slowly looked towards Uriel, dragging his claw against his open wound, sealing it with dark magic. His face stretched, running his claw against his sealed mouth, ripping it open, revealing his mouth. Thousands of rows of teeth lay within the deep abyss, limbs of the damned stretched out within his mouth, trying to escape. "Does it haunt you, Uriel? Knowing your own family is forever condemned within my labyrinth of a body. Even your closest brother, Michael~."

Uriel: His hands started trembling, and he felt an intense rage building up inside him. His aura changed from hopeful to a dark and fuming one filled with anger. His eyes flashed, staring through his hood as he said, "Don't you dare speak of them in that manner. You are not worthy of speaking their name!"

Lucium: He laughed at the angel's pitiful attempts to threaten him, "Struck a fucking nerve, didn't I?!" The two dashed toward one another; his entire arm glowed a bright red, sparking with unstable energy.

Uriel: His blade glowed a bright white, clashing the sword into Lucium's arm, creating a volatile explosion, wiping the Greenwood entirely off the earth's surface. He lay in the dirt, weakly looking forward as he saw his blade shining a few before him. He attempted to crawl towards it and grab ahold of it. "Ugh..."

Lucium: His eyes flashed through the smoke. He walked towards Uriel, placing his foot over his arm as his talons thrust into his arm, causing Uriel to shout in pain. Crouching down, he hit the sword away from Uriel's reach, "All of this just for you to end up in the same position the others were in; that is extremely sad, considering that I don't even have all of my abilities yet." He sighed, building up energy in his claws, hovering his hand above Uriel. "You let me down, Uriel; I was expecting more from you. Did you think you had what it takes to beat me?"

Uriel: He grunted, looking up towards Lucium, but his grunts of pain turned into laughter.

Lucium: He tilted his head, thinking that Uriel must have truly lost it if he was so willing to accept his fate that he found it amusing. "You believe that this is funny? Perhaps you are farther gone than I."

Uriel: "I never had to beat you; I just had to keep you busy for a while." the sounds of chains rattling in the distance began to surround the two.

The sound traveled around them, moving too quickly to tell where exactly it was coming from. The aura color of the environment changed from a hopeless grey to a powerful deep purple. A shadow-like hook attached to the chain thrust itself through Lucium's arm, tossing him into the air until something yanked on it, slamming him back to earth and creating a crater.

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