2.7K 24 2

pairing: friend!matt x f!reader

summary: chris has been treating you like crap and to make it worse, he started dating another girl behind your back, which left you heartbroken. But one of his identical brothers gave you more love and attention than chris did.

warnings: smut, dominant matt, pet names (darling, good girl, my love, pretty girl, ma'am), unprotected sex, swearing, hair pulling, rough sex, use of y/n, oral female receiving, chris is being a total jerk.

a/n: not my photos, found on pinterest. LMAO, sorry for making chris an total asshole in this!! this is a long chapter but there will finally be smut and I promise it's not pathetic quick smut.

WORDS: 4.6k

@miyasturniolo on tumblr


Chris has been ghosting you all day and only responds to your text once, always with some excuse for why he hasn't messaged. This has been going on for a week, and even though you eventually stopped trying, you still held onto that hope that he would message you. But unfortunately, nothing. It's like a never-ending cycle of disappointment.

You started realizing that the excuses Chris was giving you were fake. It was frustrating to see him active on Instagram all day long while he claimed he couldn't message you. It really ticked you off, but you did make the decision to stop texting him. You didn't want to waste any more time and get your hopes up higher than they should be.

Nick has been messaging you, letting you know that Chris has been acting really strange lately. He's not his usual playful self and instead, he's been acting tough. It's odd that he spends a lot of time in his room and keeps the door locked while talking to someone or goes outside, not telling anyone where's he's going.

Sometimes, your suspicions and concerns were evident, but you genuinely cared about him since he was your boyfriend. It made you want to visit his house and go into Chris's room, just to see if something was on his mind or if there was anything going on. Specially when he's turned off his location.

Matt has been messaging you as well, snitching on Chris about how he's seeing this girl, and according to Matt, she's not good looking at all. The situation is making it worse, which now includes overthinking if he's ghosting you to see this girl and has feelings for her and not you.

You didn't wanna believe Matt until you actually saw it with your own eyes. I mean, he would sell his soul just to not snitch on Chris, especially not for something as important and serious as this.

For the next few days, Matt has been sharing more and more with you, until he reached a point where he was the only one who knew what was going on. He knew you weren't taking sides, so he decided to invite you over without telling Chris, but he did tell Nick, hoping he wouldn't tell anyone.

Hours went by, and you found yourself at the sturniolo triplets place, which had a unique house setting that felt surprisingly cozy, almost like home. Nick was busy editing their new YouTube video, set to be posted on Friday, so it was Matt who answered the door.

"You came huh?" His smirk, with those pink lips of his, was so obvious in his tone that you could practically see it. It made you playfully roll your eyes, but couldn't help but crack a smile in return.

He let you in, being careful not to let Chris hear you at the door or anything. It was clear that he wanted to prove to you that he had been spending time with this girl, and it seemed like more than just friends.

"So you still don't believe me?" Matt raised an eyebrow, and you wanted to believe him. It would make sense why he's been ghosting you for a week and a half. But deep down, you didn't want to believe him. "Not really.."

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