537 9 0

pairing: bf!chris x f!reader

summary: you and your boyfriend went to a fancy restaurant for a date. however, he couldn't handle the dress you wore which made things get hotter.

warnings: smut, swearing, dom!chris, p in v, unprotected sex, needy chris, flirting, pet names (ma, darling, good girl, mama, baby), ass grabbing, male masturbation, teasing.

a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. I won't be making part 2. I love you all.

WORDS: 2.5k

@miyasturniolo on tumblr


You were on a date with your boyfriend, who was dressed nicely, and you were also looking your best. Your dress accentuated your curves, catching his attention as he glanced at you from time to time.

He had made a reservation for 7pm, and both of you arrived on time. You had walked with him from your place since he had come to pick you up earlier.

As he opened the door for you, he intertwined his hand with yours, making you smile in gratitude. His hand felt soft and bigger than yours, but you didn't mind.

He walked ahead with you following until he stopped to talk to an employee to find out where your table was, and after being directed to table 9, he smiled at the employee and held your hand as you both walked over.

Once seated, his blue eyes were fixed on you, causing your lips to curl into a smile. However, he then complimented you, saying, "You look beautiful tonight, ma. Well, you always do, but tonight, you're just stunning."

You responded with a light chuckle before teasingly retorting, "Thank you, but I can't say the same about you," even though both of you knew it was untrue.

He feigned offense by placing his hand over his heart before bursting into a small laugh. "We have a liar here now?" he teased as you simply smirked.

You studied his features for a moment before speaking honestly this time. "Okay, you look handsome," you said after giving him a once-over.

"Trust me, I'm already aware," Chris replied with a slight grin, causing you to playfully roll your eyes before a waiter approached to hand you both menus.

She gave both of you a menu before walking away to attend to another table, doing so with a pleasant demeanour. You both glanced down at the menus in front of you without thinking.

As your eyes scanned the menu, you soon found his gaze locked with yours, he couldn't seem to look away. "So, what are you planning to order?" he asked.

You simply shrugged, still undecided, while his eyes remained fixed on you rather than the menu. He subtly moved his leg under the table so that it touched yours, prompting you to glance at him, curious about his intentions.

He just smiled once he got your attention before speaking softly, "How am I so lucky to be your boyfriend? You're perfect in my eyes," he mumbled.

You chuckled, but he shook his head being dead serious. He loved you, no matter how you looked, he wouldn't care. He would still love you.

"I'm serious, I never thought I would be sitting here with someone so incredibly beautiful," he said, lowering his voice when he swore out of habit in public.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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