ICECREAM | c.s ★

890 10 0

pairing: bf!chris x f!reader

summary: chris wasn't the best boyfriend when it comes to dates and he even knew that but for a first he came up with a simple idea after having a meltdown.

warnings: fluff, kissing, pet names (ma, babe, darling), flirting, crying, sadness, swearing, mention of y/n.

a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. I came up with this idea because I found my lets trip shirt which has an icecream van. I'm not sure about this one tbh..

WORDS: 2.0k

@miyasturniolo on tumblr


Chris wasn't the most attentive boyfriend when it came to planning dates, and both of you were aware of that. Sometimes he made an effort, but deep down he knew his ideas were lackluster, so he simply referred it as two people who love each other and spending time together.

He often lamented his lack of creativity when it came to planning dates, despite having a vivid imagination that sometimes even confused him with its randomness.

At this moment though, he was in his room, rubbing his eyes to wipe away tears of frustration. He couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't good enough for you, believing that you deserved to be taken out by someone who could provide a better dating experience than a YouTuber like himself, who feared ruining your time together.

The sound of his sniffles filled the quiet room as he listened to music, unaware of how loud he was being. He hoped to become a better boyfriend, seeking solace in the music to calm his nerves.

Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen, making yourself a drink while spending time with Nick because chris had as well snapped at you earlier, asking for some alone time, which had left you feeling unsettled.

You heard a faint sound that was possibly just your imagination, but you recognized the sobs and sniffles that prompted you to set your drink down and glance towards his room.

Although you knew he wasn't in the mood to see anyone, you couldn't shake off the worry, so you made your way to his room.

He didn't hear your knock on the door since the music in his headphones. As you entered and closed the door behind you, you found him crying, curled up into a ball.

When his eyes met yours, he quickly wiped his tears and turned off his music. "What are you doing here, y/n?" His voice trembled slightly, trying to act like he hadn't been crying.

Your expression softened into a frown, but you remained silent until you sat down next to him on the bed, offering a gentle hug. "what's up?"

He managed a faint smile, though it seemed forced, as if he believed he didn't deserve your comfort and should push you away to find a better and more attentive boyfriend who would take you out on dates.

He lapsed into silence, avoiding answering your question, and simply gazed at you with his red, tear-filled eyes.

Chris shrugged, showing reluctance to talk, but he did rest his head on your chest as you embraced him. Although he didn't hug back, he did lean on you for support.

You had numerous questions, but you chose to remain quiet, waiting for him to open up since you had ways of encouraging him to share. Your hands comfortingly rubbed his shoulder.

"Why are you with me?" he finally asked, no longer meeting your gaze as he stared at the wall. "What?" you responded, puzzled.

He nervously bit his nails, a small habit of his, but it wasn't something he did constantly. "I'm a terrible boyfriend," he admitted.

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