THE WEEKND | m.s ☆

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pairing: bf!matt x f!reader

summary: you gamed while listening to the weeknd while matt was away shooting a youtube video with his brothers, he later drives them back to his place before coming over to your house. it becomes evident that both of you share similar music tastes, sparking a heated connection between you.

warning: smut, sub!matt, swearing, nipple playing, p in v, unprotected sex, edging (matt), blow job, pet names (babe, love, baby, darling), rough sex, ass grabbing, whimpering matt.

a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. what's y'all favourite weeknd song?

WORDS: 2.1k

@miyasturniolo on tumblr


You were in your room, alone, listening to music on your phone. Matt was over at your place earlier in the morning after spending the night, but he had to leave to hang out with his brothers and make a YouTube video.

He had texted you a few times, but you only noticed a couple of messages since you were preoccupied scrolling through social media or playing games while listening to The Weeknd.

You had The Weeknd songs on shuffle, as you had quite a few favorites. You didn't pay much attention to the music now and again, as you were focused on gaming and used it as background noise.

Although you were home alone, you didn't hear the front door open. Matt had keys to your place, but you were engrossed in gaming and The Weeknd playing quite loudly in your room.

Matt seemed to notice the music coming from your room, so he locked the door and took off his shoes before heading up to your bedroom. He was familiar with your place, as your home was like a second home to him.

You were quietly singing along to the lyrics, your voice barely audible as you knew the words by heart. Your eyes widened when you saw your bedroom door open, and for a moment, your breath caught in your throat before you realized it was Matt.

"Did I scare you?" he chuckled softly, his voice cutting through the music. "Maybe," you replied with a smile.

He playfully teased you before sitting down next to you, pulling you into a hug. He noticed you were gaming, but he didn't let go because he missed you, especially after being interrupted many times during the YouTube video he was filming with Chris and Nick.

"You never told me you listened to The Weeknd," he whispered, planting a kiss on your neck and resting his head on your shoulder.

"It just never came up in a conversation," you shrugged, setting aside your game and turning it off to hug him back and spend time.

"Hmm, I guess we do have similar music tastes," he whispered, looking at you before turning up the volume a bit.

As the music volume increased, he leaned his head back on your shoulder, gazing off into space. He had something on his mind, but he didn't do anything yet.

After a moment, he turned to look at you, noticing how relaxed you appeared while listening to The Weeknd. He let out a slight chuckle before gently kissing your lips, catching you off guard with the sudden gesture. You responded by returning the kiss.

The exchange was brief and nothing more, but for Matt, it felt like a tantalizing tease. He found you captivating, like a drug he couldn't resist.

"Can I be honest with you?" he asked, prompting you to hum in response. He brushed his hair away from his face, noting that it needed a trim as it was getting close to his eyes. "I'm really turned on," he confessed.

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