JEALOUSY | m.s ☆

1.1K 10 0

pairing: bf!matt x f!reader

summary: matt has been so stress that he ignored everyone, which has led you to spend more time hanging out with chris and nick. however, matt is not pleased with the attention you are giving them, so he decides to address the situation.

warning: smut, p in v, swearing, dirty talking, crying, dom!matt, ass grabbing, unprotected sex, jealous, pet names (baby, love, slut, sweetheart), rough sex, nipple playing, slightly male masturbation, fingering.

a/n: not my photos, on pinterest.

WORDS: 1.8k

@miyasturniolo on tumblr


The Sturniolo triplets were back in Boston for a visit, which meant seeing your boyfriend once again. Although you had a somewhat distant relationship, it always worked smoothly because there was a strong foundation of trust between you both.

However, today Matt was acting cold and distant, mostly ignoring you while he buried himself in his phone. It stung, but you tried to push the pain aside. Since Matt didn't seem interested in spending time with you, you ended up hanging out with his two brothers, who you were close to.

You all gathered at their parents' house, where Chris excitedly talked about his new fresh love shirt that had just been released and sold out within hours. Meanwhile, Nick leaned on you for comfort, resting his head on your shoulder in a familiar gesture.

On the other couch, Matt avoided making eye contact and remained engrossed in his phone. Despite your efforts to get his attention, he seemed uninterested in engaging with you.

"I've missed you," Nick suddenly said, highlighting the close bond of friendship between you two. You smiled and replied, "I missed you as well," eliciting a soft chuckle from him.

You listened to Chris talking while Nick occasionally interrupted to correct him. As more conversations continued and you joined in, you noticed Matt texting someone, but you didn't do anything.

Nick seemed to notice as well, but chose to ignore it. Matt had been distant towards him and Chris since they arrived in Boston, claiming he needed space.

"Ignore him," Nick muttered quietly so Matt wouldn't hear. You raised an eyebrow and then nodded before returning your attention to your phone.

Chris became quiet, he was on his phone and then switched his focus to the TV as he picked a movie to watch. You kept an eye on Matt, who avoided making eye contact with you, except for one brief moment when you caught his gaze, resulting in a glare of disappointment.

You were puzzled by Matt's behavior but decided not to dwell on it. After that, you continued to focus on your phone.

Over the past hour, the three of you conversed while Matt remained stubborn. Just as you were all engaged in a new conversation, you received a message from Matt expressing his desire to talk.

You glanced at Matt, who in turn glanced back at you before getting up, presumably heading to his old room which was still here.

"I'll be back," you said, causing Nick to shift his head from resting on your shoulder. Even though he was focused on the TV, you noticed him nod in response.

You followed Matt into his room, where he closed and locked the door. As you observed his demeanor and then his expression, he leaned on the door with his arms crossed and exclaimed, "Are you kidding me, y/n?" you remained silent but was confused.

"Don't play dumb. I return from Boston, and you're paying more attention to my brothers than me. I'm your boyfriend - do I need to spell that word out?" he stated firmly and quickly, his anger palpable despite his controlled tone.

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