1.2K 7 0

pairing: crush!chris x f!reader

summary: where you ask him to help you with guitar but then later on chris invites you over at his to teach you how to play guitar since you didn't know how to but you couldn't keep your eyes off him and his hands which left things heated.

warnings: smut, fingering, p in v, dominant chris, swearing, teasing, pet names (good girl, pretty girl, ma, baby, sweetheart), unprotected sex, use of y/n, dirty talking, a bit of shy y/n, nipple playing, birth control.

a/n: not my photos, found on pinterest. btw they ain't youtubers in this. why this sound so wattpad...

WORDS: 3.0k

@miyasturniolo on tumblr


You were in the school hallway at the end of the day, needing to ask Chris a question. You knew he played guitar in the school band, and you didn't want to pay for lessons, so he was your best option.

As you leaned against your locker, you noticed Chris gathering his books with his brother, Nick. Unsure of how to get his attention, you tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to swear in surprise. "Shit," he exclaimed, turning to face you as Nick chuckled and glanced over.

"Hey, y/n," Chris said with a slightly awkward smile, both of your hearts racing as you stood there, unaware of each other's feelings.

"Hi.. can I ask you a favor?" you inquired, with Nick observing the interaction between you both.

Chris raised an eyebrow before shrugging, curious to hear what you were going to say. He shot a glare at Nick out of the corner of his eye, hoping Nick wouldn't embarrass him in front of you since he had feelings for you and was unsure if you had noticed.

"Well, I know you play guitar, so I was wondering if you could teach me?" You said to Chris, glancing at Nick who smirked, leaving you puzzled but choosing not to dwell on it.

Chris's eyes widened, at a loss for words. "I think he'd love to do that," Nick said, prompting Chris to playfully hit him without you noticing.

Chris looked at you, nodding with a smile, trying to appear confident instead of showing how eager he was. "I'll give you guitar lessons, but only if I get your number."

Nick's eyes widened slightly as he looked at his brother and then at you. Your heart raced even faster, and your knees felt weak. "Okay," you chuckled softly, taking out your phone to hand it to him so he could enter his number into your contacts.

His cheeks reddened slightly as he entered his number into your contacts. He couldn't believe that the girl he liked and had been obsessed with now had his number.

"I'll let you know which days work for me, I might be able to meet up today," Chris said, a small smile on his lips even though he's jumping like a kid inside.

You smiled and nodded. "Just message me," you said before walking away to leave school. Nick laughed, but Chris just hit him on the shoulder. "You're so awkward," Nick said before walking to the exit, with Chris following.

Matt was already home because he had lied, saying he felt ill, even though he just wanted to skip his last lesson, which was PE.

As you walked home, you received a message from him already, saying he could do around 6, which was less than two hours, and you agreed.

You couldn't believe he agreed to do guitar lessons with you. It was convenient as well, since that meant you didn't have to pay for it.

Time ticked and now it was 5:47 p.m. He sent you his address, so now you were following. All you had was your guitar and a case for it which was on your back, knowing you would probably need it.

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