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Author's POV~

"Kriti, why didn't you tell me about the threats?" Aayansh questioned her, as he helped her arrange the scattered files back.
The room filled with uneasy tension as she remained silent, creating a palpable tension among them.
"Will you talk to me?" He continued, in a moment of frustration as he snatched the files from Kriti's hand and kept them aside.
"I'm sorry, I don't trust you enough to let you know everything about me and I do not need your help, I can take care of myself if anything happens" Kriti responded, her tone firm and resolute.

"Come" Aayansh spoke as he gestured for her to join him, walking out with her.

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.

"Where are we going?" Kriti questioned as a sense of curiosity washed over her.
"Just come with me" Aayansh muttered as they both ascended the stairs of a massive building.
The walls, adorned with slightly faded paintings and the lights cascading eerie shadows.
Kriti couldn't help but wonder what awaited them at the top.

Reaching up, Aayansh made his way towards a room while Kriti followed him with anticipation.
Aayansh turned the handle and the door swung open, revealing a room enveloped in darkness.
Kriti curiously stepped inside the room before Aayansh and the lights turned on, illuminating the space.

Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp of surprise when she laid her eyes on the guns elegantly adorned on the wall.
Her eyes widened in awe as she looked at the shiny metal frames and intricate engravings, each detail meticulously crafted, making them scary pieces,

Getting shocked she led out a question "They belong to you?"
As Aayansh walked in, locking the door, he answered with a confident smile "Everything in this room belongs to me"
Kriti's heart skipped a beat as his hoarse voice reached her ears.

"And why am I here?" She again questioned, her heart racing with curiosity.
The tension in the atmosphere grew as Aayansh walked towards her, his gaze locked onto hers as he whispered "Pick one"
Kriti's fingers trembled with anticipation as she reached for the gun resting on the table.
The weight felt substantial in her hand and the cool metal sending shivers down her spine.
"Now shoot" Aayansh directed.

Kriti gasped hearing him, her heart raced as she replied "I can't! I do not know how to handle this"
Her hesitation, noticeable.

Kriti was taken aback as Aayansh whispered "Tu me gères si bien chérie, une arme à feu n'est rien à manipuler pour toi"
His words made her more confused.
"Huh?" She questioned, frowning.

(You handle me so well, darling, a gun is nothing for you to handle)

"Pull the trigger" Aayansh smirked as he directed.
With a hint of uncertainty in her voice, she questioned "Is it already loaded?"
"Yes, now pull the trigger and aim towards the glass" He answered, gesturing his hand towards the glass.
Taking a deep breath, Kriti raised the gun, aligning it with the glass.
She steadied her grip, her finger hovering over the trigger.
As she pulled the trigger, her heart raced with a mix of fear and nerves.

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