--- Lucky to have a friend ---

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*Short Chapter*

You were trying to reach out to Angel but he seems to be ignoring you. You even asked everyone about Angel but they didn't know where he went.

You were walking in line forth and back being anxious about what happened last time between the two of you. You even went to his room wanting to talk to him but he was not there, he even left his door unlocked.

Charlie was getting worried about your actions. You can't relax and are so problematic-looking, that your brows are furrowed too.

"Hey y/n, is everything okay? You look like you have so many things on your mind right now." Charlie spoke breaking your silence.

"I'm worried about Angel" you responded.

"Why don't we sit down and talk, right?" Charlie sat down and patted the space beside her, so you sit with her.

"So what is it that is bothering you y/n?" Charlie asked with concern.

"I-I'm scared Charlie," you said with a shaking voice.

"What are you scared of y/n?" Charlie spoke with a gentle voice.

"I'm scared that Angel will no longer talk to me, I'm scared that he won't like me anymore," you said what you were feeling and your emotions started to build up. Your eyes became watery and you covered your face.

"Angel won't do that to you y/n, I know he wouldn't. He cares about you very much." Charlie hugged you and caressed your back for comfort.

"Why? What happened? Charlie asked.

"Well we went out a few days ago and there was this guy I bumped into and we talked a little. Then Angel said that the guy I bumped into is a bad guy and that I shouldn't talk to him." You explained what happened to Charlie in detail.

"I'm sure, he has a good reason y/n, and he won't leave you I'm sure of it," Charlie said reassuring you.

"Really? He won't" You said.

"Of course, he loves you more than anything, and whatever that has happened between the two of you. I'm sure he has a good reason that he did that."

"But he's ignoring my calls and didn't show up just to even say hi to me. How can you say that he loves me or cares for me if can tolerate ignoring me" You again in the moment of crying because of the words you have just stated.

"Maybe he just feels hurt or he can't face you because he is also scared, don't you think so?" Charlie then spoke to you.

"Why don't you go directly to him when he gets home," Charlie suggested to you which made you agree.

"I think I can do that." You responded.

"Don't be sad anymore Y/N, it also makes me sad seeing you like this." Charlie held your hands and gave it a gentle squeeze.

You smiled at her and muttered your gratitude to her, mouthing the word "thank you"

"I'll be always here for you Y/N" Charlie smiled and patted your back before leaving you to think about how you would approach Angel Dust when he got back from the Hotel.

You feel so lucky to have Charlie as your friend, she treats you so well like her sister. She is the kindest, caring, and most gentle person you have encountered in your life.

You are so happy to meet this kind of person in your life and be treated so well by her. She has a pure golden heart.

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