🌷--- Can't stay mad Forever ---🌷

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Many hours have passed, and you were still standing at the entrance of the hotel waiting for that certain person's face to show up.

After a few minutes of waiting, that person showed up and was shocked at your presence at the entrance of the hotel, yet he still ignored you walking past you.

"Hey! Are you blind?!" You said catching up with him, but he just kept walking from the lift.

"Angel, let's talk can we?" You went with him in the lift, it's only the two of you.

"At least say something, don't just stay silent" you spoke again and you kept on talking but couldn't get any response from him.

Soon you arrived from your floor and he just kept walking and walking. You still followed him from his room. You are near to snapping out of your patience.

Then it snapped, you were done, you shouted at him saying what you were feeling, what he was making you feel.

"I HATE YOU! YOU ARE SO MEAN, HOW CAN YOU JUST IGNORE ME!! DO YOU EVEN REALLY CARE!?" you feel so angry, that you can't control it that you start to cry. You were trying your best to suppress it but you can't, it's just too much.

"Y/N" he finally spoke making you look at him with your messy face full of wet tears, your cries became heavier hearing him finally speak.

He looks at you full of concern and heartbroken seeing you in that state. He hates himself for making you cry so hard. He approached you and held you tight in his arms.

"I hate you! I hate you!" You said many times as you tried to push him away but he still held you firm.

"Y/n, I'm sorry" he muttered as he hid his face in your shoulder still hugging you. Your shirt was wet where Angel hid his face, you can tell that he is crying too.

"How can you be so mean Angel, you said you cared for me and that you would not make me cry, but like everybody else, you broke your promise and I hate you for that." You were still sobbing.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, that's all I can say, I don't know anymore," he said sorry for the second time and his hug tightened he was shaking.

"Let go of me Angel," You said while pushing him.

"Do you hate me Y/N? Please don't hate me, I don't want you to hate me. I'm scared to lose you" He spoke with his trembling voice.

"But why would you ignore me if you didn't want me to hate you in the first place?" You replied.

"It's the only thing I can think of, it's what I thought was the best answer but it turned out to be the opposite" he explained himself to you.

He lifted his face and looked you in the eyes, he could see that you were still crying. He lifted his hand and wiped your tears with his thumb.

"Please stop crying, It makes me shattered seeing you like this Y/N," he said with gentleness in his voice and it was soothing that eventually made you stop crying.

"You made me cry and you want me to stop" you replied to him giving him a frown and sulking face.

"But do you hate me?" He looked at you with an expression that made your heart in pain, he looked so depressed waiting for your response.

"I only hate you for ignoring me, it Hurts to be ignored by someone you love you know." You said as you stared at your hands while fidgeting your fingers, You said the last part was somehow soft but he still heard it.

"Can you forgive me?" He held your hands with him as he spoke.

"Only if you won't do it again and reflect on it" you replied. He smiled and lifted your hands to his cheeks feeling the warmth in your soft, small delicate hands.

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