The Bold And The Booty-ful

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"Oh. . . my. . . GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD!"

That was the sound of me finding out that. . . 

Well, Koda's a mom now.

I didn't exactly expect to spend my morning giving them all the attention possible in the world, but, um. . . that's. . . kind of what  did anyway.

/// Lewis ///

He was holding the bear cub with both hands, and was only watching it. After a few seconds, it yawned, and Lewis found himself attached already.

/// End ///

[if you want a reference, just think of stone after maggot said his name in ramshackle.]


[3rd Person P.O.V.]


Mal was standing behind Scott, listening to him. "I can't believe Courtney's gone. . . now who's gonna yell at me, and make me do stuff I don't wanna do?" "You two really had a good thing going. Until Gwen messed it all up." ". . . Yeah, she did, didn't she!?"

/// Gwen ///

"I'm the last original cast member left on the island. Yay, me! But if I'm gonna make it to the finale, I'll need a few allies."

/// End ///

Gwen approached Scott, with a fake, 'guilty' voice. "Hey, Scott. . . how are you holding up?" He scoffed, and folded his arms. "Pfft! What do you care?" "Sorry, I-" "I don't want your pity. I want your head on a platter!" "But, I just-" "You're just gonna pay, is what!"

/// Gwen ///

". . . So much for making nice with Scott."

/// End ///

/// Scott ///

"Yelling at Gwen won't bring Courtney back, but it sure feels good. Plus, now that I'm the only real villain left on the island, I've got a duty to turn everyone else up, until they're as whipped and stinky as Mawmaw's goat butter! Man, I miss her cooking."

/// End ///

/// Mal ///

"The million dollars is in my grasp. And still, no one has a clue that I'm not really Mike." He chuckled, and folded his arms. "I'm gonna use the prize money to live like a real villain. In a tower. . . preferably overlooking a volcano."

/// End ///

Mike had collected three out of four good allies, not including Lewis, and they were all walking together, in hopes of finding Manitoba. 

"I hope we hit the club district soon." Vito said, glancing around at his surroundings. Obviously, Chester had something to say about it. "Nah, you ninny. If this place has a club district, I'll eat my pants! Without any cats-up! Unless you've got some on ya. Quit holdin' out!"

Soon enough, they finally came across Manitoba. Mike almost instantly approached him. "Manitoba! Finally!" Manitoba glanced upwards from the fire, before looking away. "Can't talk now. Big quota to fill." "What's Mal making you do?" Manitoba then pointed upwards. "See those clouds? Them's your dreams. My job's to get rid of them, so you can never enjoy 'em again."

He pulled one down, using his lasso, and Mike raised a brow at it, before realizing what it was. "It's the dream I had about kissing Zoey in the rain! Aw, I loved that dream. . ." Svetlana, too, was admiring it, alongside Mike. "So romantical!" Manitoba then dropped it into the fire, turning it to ash, clearly freaking Mike out. "A-Agh! Don't do that!" 

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