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Akaay and Vami both reached to their apartment with Abhi ...

(Little introduction
Abhi is like chachu to them and is their family ... Abhi is event manager in  the top company )

They both enter into their apartment as Abhi left .. for meeting...
Vami: Akku let's order something to eat ...
Akku nodded and order food ...
They both left to freshen up and .. came in dining area waiting for their food ...

After Sometime they had their lunch and went to sleep...
As they were tired because of journey ..

At night ...
Akaay and Vami both were talking to their parents on video call ..

Vi: Did u guys have ur dinner?
Nush: and take meds on time?

Vami: we both had dinner and meds too ... So u both don't have to worry ...

Akaay: and u both also have dinner and meds right? ...

Nush and Vi both also nodded their heads ...
And then talk goes on ..

Vi: Akku tomorrow is ur first day .. don't be nervous and respect them ok ...
And play without any nervousness....

Nush: And don't get panicked... Keep calm ok ..

Akku: i will mom dad .. don't worry .. i will give my best...
And then they went to sleep....

On the other side:
Zoravar was in meeting room with all players and coach ..

Zoravar: As u know guys .. tomorrow some new players are coming.. so we have to maintain our behaviour... Don't  behave like Agastya in front of them..

All other laughed listening that ..
Agastya was whining..

Agastya: Why are u saying like that ...
I m very mature boy ..

Again all started laughing even Harry too ...

Harry: My child.. and serious.. not
Said laughing...

Agastya was laughing and whining too 😩...
And then they all went to sleep ...

In the morning...

Vami: Akku wake up u have to go.. and report at 10 .. it's 7 already ...

Akku: Yes Yes I m waking up ...
He woke up and then they both freshen up and had their breakfast....

Vami: it's 9 u should change and go ..
Akku: yes I m going...

Vami: Best of luck don't panic... And if anything happens call me ... Ok ..
Said like a responsible older sister...

Akku: ok Vamu diii... Bye ..
He left and took a cab and head towards the Stadium where he has  to report to Zoravar (captain)...

On the other side ...

Ict were practising...in presence of their all coaches ...

Zoravar: we should complete this lap within a min ..
All other nodded and started running fastly ...

Whereas Akaay just reached stadium and time was 9: 45 ...
He was happy.. because it would be good impression to be on time on first day ...

He headed inside the stadium and saw all team were running...

Then he went towards one of the coaches .. whose back side was facing him ...

Akaay: Excuse me sir .. where is Zoravar sir ...said with nervousness...
The coach turned towards him .. and was shocked to see him ...Akaay was also shocked...( As it was Rohit)..

All coaches were talking with eachother then someone called me .. (Rohit POV)

When I turned towards him .. he was like Virat ..His eyes were like Virat ....

Ro: Yes ..? Said with surprised tone ...
Akaay: Hi sir .. I m Akaay .. I have to report to Captain .. can u pls call him ...

Ro just nodded his head ... And called zoravar...

On the other side:
Zoravar: Just last lap..
All were running.. when we were at the end of last lap .. Ro chachu called me ..
I went towards him .. and saw someone..

Ro: Zoravar he is Akaay ...
and wants to meet u ..

Zoravar: oh ok.. sorry Akaay .. i couldn't recognise u ..
Akaay: It's totally fine sir ..
Zoravar: So u r on time .. very good.. so we should start practice.. but let's meet to other players and coaches also ..
Akaay nodded...

Zoravar called all of them towards him ...

End of part 5..
Wait for part 6...
Happy reading ❤️
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