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In Uttarakhand:
Vi: Nush it's his first day .... He is just a child ... I m very nervous...
Nush: I m too Vi .. but u know ..he is ur child .. he will give his best..
Vi and Nush both had breakfast and went towards their restaurant....

Vi and Nush both had breakfast and went towards their restaurant

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Then they both engrossed themselves in work...

On the other side:

Coaches , and all players were gathered around Zoravar and Akaay...

When Harry,Mahi,Bhuvi, Shikhar,Jassi saw Akaay .. they all felt .. that Virat was there .. but they don't want to  have false hope ..

Zoravar: Introduce urself.. said to Akaay..
Akaay: Hi .. I m Akaay sharma .. I m from uttarakhand... And I also had played for state as captain...

All other players started to introduce themselves..

Then coaches also shake hands to him .
Harry ,Jassi ,Kl : Nice to meet u kid ..
Shikhar and Bhuvi : Nice to have u kid in team ...
Mahi and Ro: Good luck kid ..

Akaay: Thnku sir ..
(Mind- He was thinking about his dad ..)

Zoravar: Let's start with batting ...
Agastya .. come and bowl him ..

Then Akaay changed and came to bat ..
Agastya:  i will bowl u very fast .. so don't think I will go easy on u new kid ..

Akaay: ok sir ...he said very formally...
Agastya bowled his first ball ..
And Akaay played a beautiful cover drive and hit four ..
Then 2nd ball.. again 4
3rd ball.. dot...
4th ball was a bouncer but he played it and it was a six ...
5th ball was a dot ..
6th ball  was again 6 ...

Akaay was little upset with dot balls ..

Zoravar: That was very good Akaay ...
U were very good... Ur cover drive is really really good ...

When all coaches see the cover drive it was like Virat was playing but they again shrugged their thoughts.. and congratulate Akaay...

Whereas Agastya was not happy...
He felt like idiot.. because he got sixes and fours from some new player ...
He was disappointed with himself..

Zoravar: That was very good hit Akaay ...

Agastya: why bhai is praising him that much .. said with jealousy...

Zoravar:Akaay today u have to meet Ziva...
For ur proper diet and all ... And u will get ur jersey tomorrow...

Akaay nodded ..

Zoravar: Is there any no. Which u want on jersey? ..

Akaay: Is it possible if i want 18 ..

All were shocked.. because no one asked that no.
Not because they didn't like that no. They just don't want Virat Jersey no. To be replaced by any new player ...

Zoravar: I don't think so .. it's not possible sorry ..
Said politely...

Akaay: It's ok then if I can't have that no . Then any no. Is fine .. ..

No one said anything.. but they were confused and surprised after listening that ..

Angad: Akaay u should go to 2nd floor.. there is Ziva di office ..
Akaay nodded and left ...

Ro,Mahi, Bhuvi, Shikhar - he is different...
All said together..
Kl, Harry, Jassi- We think that too ...
He is very disciplined...and a very good player...

Agastya was listening all that and got jealous with Akaay ...

Then he messages Someone...
...and was little angry ...

On the other side:

Ziva: Yes I will give u their Nutritional diet .. said on call ...
Then she cut the call and then she heard a knock..
Come in ..
Akaay enter into the room ..
Ziva was also looking him confusely..as she thought .. he looks like someone familiar.... His eyes looks very familiar...

Akaay: Hlo mam.. I m Akaay Sharma .. Zoravar sir send me for my diet routine and all..

Ziva: oh ok ..... I have prepared them .. give me a min ..

Akaay was looking at her ..

(He was thinking what his sister told him about Ziva dhoni ...
Vami: u know Akku Ziva di was so good.. she was a very good big sister ...)..

Ziva: take this ..
Akaay: Thnk u mam .. i should go now .. it was nice meeting u ...
Ziva: Same here..kid ..

Then Akaay left ...

And then he met zoravar and left for Home ...

End of part 6...
Wait for part 7...
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