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Next day

Akaay woke up early as he have to report on ground at 8: 30 ...
And it was 6: 00 .. already...

So he went towards Vami room and knocked...
Akku: Vamu di ..wake up ..u also have to go today...
When he didn't get answer he opened it slowly .. and saw her on floor unconscious...
He was shocked..
Akku: Di pls wake up ..
But Vami was not waking up ..
Then he went towards hospital with her ...

At hospital:

He was waiting for doctor..
And Vami was in examination room ....
Then Abhi came running..
Abhi: what happened akku?
Akku: Chachu i don't know.. he was in literally crying state ...
Abhi: Akku don't panic .. ok ..
Then doctor came outside..

Doctor: Patient had High bp which resulted in unconsciousness state ...
And that's not good at all ...

Akku and Abhi both were shocked..
Akku: doctor is she ok now?
Doctor: Yes she is fine .. and also conscious.. u can meet her ..
Akku nodded and then he ran inside the room..

Akku: Di why are u so careless... Said with moist eyes..
Vami: Sorry Akku yesterday when I forgot meds .. I was not feeling well ... Then today when I woke up .. I was feeling dizzy and then I collapsed...

Abhi: Vami and Akku u both have to take meds on time .. as I m ur guardian here ..
If u again forget ur meds.. I will complain to Vi bhai and Nush bhabhi... Said with strict tone ..
Akku and Vami both nodded their head...

Vami: Give me phone..Akku..
Akku gave her phone and then she messaged someone in hospital that she can't come today ..

Akku: Di let's go ..
Vami nodded her head and they both head towards their apartment...

Vami: It's late ... U should go to practice...
Akku: But di .. u r not well ..
Vami : I m ok now .... And I m going to rest so don't worry ...
Akku: are u sure di..?
Vami: Yes very sure..said smiling...

Then Akku left to Stadium...
And he was late ..30 min ... It was 9.. when he entered inside the stadium...

On the other side:
All ICT members were practising...

Zoravar: Where is Akaay.. it's 8:30 already...

Agastya: he is late on his 2nd day .. said with teasing tone ....

Zoravar was very strict captain .. and he don't like that players who were not punctual...

Kl, Jassi - He is late.. that's shocking..
Ro, Harry - Maybe traffic...
Shikhar,Mahi: yes but he should be punctual it's only 2nd day ...

Zoravar was very angry... As he firstly liked Akaay .. but right now he was not happy at all...

(Whereas Agastya was happy that Akaay was already late ...
And Today he will not get any  praises)

On the other side:

Akaay enter in the stadium and immediately went to Zoravar...

Akaay: Good morning sir..
I'm really sorry for coming late .... It would never happen again ..

Zoravar anger vanished because of his sincerity...
Zoravar: It's ok .. but it should be last time that u are late .. said in strict tone...

Agastya: But u always told us to run extra laps if we came late ...

All also nodded ...

Zoravar: It's his first time.. after this he will also get punishment...

Ro and Mahi: by the way why are u late ...

Zoravar was also looking at him ..
Akaay: Sir it was something personal..
Agastya: what's perosnal..
Said in little rude tone ..

Harry:  Agastya what's with ur tone ..said strictly...

Agastya said sorry ..

Shikhar and Jassi: ok ok just go for practice everybody...
Kl was seeing all of this very silently...
Same as Bhuvi ...

Then someone came and gave jersey to Akaay ....
As Akaay opened his jersey he was shocked and surprised..
As his jersey no. Was 18...

All were shocked...

Seniors and all ICT members were shocked as he get that no.
Agastya: How can he get that no.
Seniors: Didn't know the answer too ...
Zoravar: They only have that no. Available so .. we can't do anything...

Noone said anything but they were not liking that ..

Then all left to practice...

Angad was bowling to Akaay..
First ball was dot ..
2nd ball was six..
3rd ball was four ..
4th was dot ..
5th ball was again six ..
6th ball was bouncer which hit Akaay helmet...
And he falled down ... Everyone ran towards him ..
But Agastya was the first one ..
( He is not bad .. just Little jealous 😂)....
Agastya: Are  u ok?
Akaay nodded ..
Angad: I m sorry .. are u ok?
Akaay: It's ok sir ..

All seniors ( Coaches) .. also ran towards him ..
Harry,Ro and Kl - are u ok? ..
Mahi,Bhuvi and Shikhar - Are u hurt .. said with concerned voice ..
Akaay : I m all okay sir .. no need to worry .. said with formal Tone ...

(Akaay in mind: Why didn't u guys care about my father that time....)

Then they all went to practice again ...

End of part8..
Wait for part 9..
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