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Vami and all ran towards store room and saw it locked from outside...

Vami then opened the door ....
And saw something which broke her heart ...

All ICT members were shocked.. to see Akaay there in that state ...

Akaay was on floor fainted .. and he was murmuring something...

Vami take him in her lap and was calling his name ..
All can see that Akaay was in very bad state ...
Vami shouted pls give me his bag ...
Angad gave his bag to Vami ..
Vami opened the bag and take out a injection and injected him ...

Seeing all that all were shocked...
Zoravar - What did u inject to him ..
Mahi- I called the doctor.. don't worry ..

Ro ,Shikhar,Bhuvi- calm down .. and tell us who are u ...

Vami didn't respond to them..
She was just seeing Akaay ....( How she failed to protect her little brother) ...
She was just sobbing...

Adi hugged her and was trying to calm her down ...

Then doctor came ..
Doctor: He had a panic attack..and it's serious..
All were shocked after listening serious word...

Vami: I know ... And i injected him meds ..
Doctor: Ur qualification?
Vami: Vamika sharma ...I m gold medalist physiotherapist and  also as I know his case .. as I m his sister...So I injected him meds ..
Doctor nodded and left..

( I know guys .. physiotherapist Is different... But Vami knew his case so she can inject him .. without any difficulty)

Zoravar: Sister? Vamii
Again Vami didn't answer ...
Harry was going say something but then
They hear a voice ..

Akaay was waking up ..
Vami: Akku are u ok?.. are u feeling ok...
Asked with cracking voice ...

Akaay: I m now ok di ..sorry for calling u like that ... said with low voice..

All can see that how exhausted he looked...

Vami hugged him tightly and was rubbing his back .. she knew how bad his panic attack was...

Harry: Akaay Are u ok now?
Akaay just nodded his head ..

Zoravar: How did u get locked in Store room..
Akaay: I was finding my jersey.. and saw it was in store room.. when I entered inside the room someone locked the door from outside...
Zoravar: Are u feeling good now ?
Akaay: Yes sir .. I m ok now ...

Vami was very angry ..
Vami: Akku i know who did that ..
Akku: don't pls ..
All were shocked...

Ro: who did that .. ?
All were waiting for answer..
But Akaay stopped Vami ..

Akaay: Pls di don't ..
Vami didn't said anything and left from there angrily...

Aditya: Akku let's go .. u need rest ..
Akaay: but ..

Zoravar: no u should go ..

Akaay : ok and then he stand up but again he sat down ..as he was dizzy ...

Zoravar: Let me help u ..
But Aditya cut him off ...

Aditya: let me help him .. he is comfortable with me more ..

Zoravar didn't said anything...

Then Aditya helped Akaay to stand up ...
As everyone saw them leaving..
Akaay stopped ..

Akaay: Samaira and Ziva mam sorry .. I know I had a meeting with u both .. i will come tomorrow on time ... And then he left ...

All were shocked.. seeing him behave like that ...

On the other side:

Vami was scolding Akaay ..
Vami : I know Agastya and samaira  had done that ..
Even if we know it was not intentional but that was not good at all ..

Akku: I know that too di .. but I don't want them to punished because of me ...

Vami: I will tell to mom and dad .. u wait ..

Akku: Pls didi .. they will ask me to come back...
Vami nodded because she know that ...

Vami: But akku it's last time..
If anything like this happen again .. i will not leave anyone .. who hurt u ..

Aditya was smiling seeing her ..

Akku: ok ok ..

Then Vami phone ringed and she saw a video call of Nush..

Akku: Pick up didi .. if u don't they will get tensed ...

Vami pick-up the call ..

Nush and Virat: Hlo Vami ....
Vami : Hlo mom and dad..
Nush : U are in car .. with who?
Vami: I m in car with my friend Aditya and akku ...
Vi: Akku ?
Akku: Yes dad .. today the practice was done early so I m here with them..
Vi: Can I see ur friend vami? ..
Vami nodded and rotate his phone towards Aditya..
Aditya was shocked to see Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli...
Aditya: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli said with shocked expression...

Vi and Nush: Hi Aditya .. nice to see u ...
Aditya: i m big fan of both of u .. ur shots, ur movies .. I love them..
All chuckled seeing his childish behaviour..
Vi and Nush : Thnk u for compliment...
And they talked and then cut the call ...

Aditya : U guys are the kids of Virat Kohli and Anushka sharma ...
Vami and Akaay nodded...
Aditya : I don't know how to react ...

Vami: yes we are .. and don't tell this to anyone...
Aditya: Promise..

Aditya then drive to their apartment.. and said bye to both of them .. and left ...

End of part 13..
Wait for part 14..
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