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On the ground:

Akaay was batting in nets .. and Angad was bowling..
On first ball it was cover drive..
2nd ball was defence and then it goes on..
Angad was impressed with Akaay  batting..
Angad: That was very good Akaay ...
Akaay: Thnk u sir ..
All were seeing him batting and was praising him ..

Zoravar: U should go for fours too ..
Akaay : ok sir ..

Zoravar: Why didn't u call me  or anyone of us .. when u were locked in room?
Akaay : I don't know any one numbers..

Zoravar: But my no. Was clearly mentioned in email..
Akaay: Sorry sir maybe I missed that.  

Agastya: ughh he is getting on my nerves .. (he is jealous again 😂)...why everyone is caring about him that much ....

Akaay then remembered that he forgot his meds ...
Akaay: What should I do? ..
Angad: What happened why are u so tensed..
Akaay: Sir nothing.. not important..
Angad: Just say it .. I can see that from ur face that it is something important...

Akaay: I forgot my meds ..
Angad:what meds?..
Akaay: Just of panic attack ..
Angad: oh .. is it that serious ..
Akaay: Yeah I have to take regular meds ....
Angad: oh ok .....
Then how will u get ur meds...
Akaay: That's what I am thinking ..
Angad: U can go and take it from medical store .. it's not that  far from here ...
Akaay : But How .. it's our practice time ...
Angad: Don't worry just go and ask .. he will not deny ....
Akaay nodded and left from there ...

Zoravar was doing practice with Agastya ... When he felt someone pat his shoulder...
Zoravar turned and saw Akaay was standing there ..

Zoravar: Yes? Do u want anything?..
Agastya: (Mumbled attention seeker)..
But Akaay heard that .. and he was sad .. thinking why his Vice captain is behaving like that to him ...but he didn't Show emotion on his face ....
Akaay: Actually Captain I want to go to near by Medical store ...

Zoravar: What happened are u ok...
Akaay: Yes .. actually I forgot my meds ... It's little important for me ..can I go ..?
Zoravar: Yes u can go..

Akaay: Thnku .. and then he left ....
On the other side:...
Vami was in the hospital... attending patients...
Vami: Yes u should start excercise from tomorrow and do it step by step...
Patient was young boy named Dhruv...
Dhruv : doctor I have match in upcoming days ..
Will I be ok? ...

Vami: Firstly call me  Vami di .. and yes u can play .. it would be fine ..
By the way what game do u play...

Dhruv: ok I will call u  Vami di .. and yes I play  Football.. at state level right now ...

Vami: Wow that's great... From Mumbai right?...

Dhruv: No I m here for match ... I play from my state .. Uttarakhand...

Vami was shocked..
Vami: U r from uttrakhand... I m also from there...

Dhruv: Oh really di..
Vami: Yes .. even my brother plays for uttarakhand cricket team...

Dhruv was surprised...
Dhruv: Who is ur brother Di?

Vami: Akaay Sharma ...
Dhruv: Akaay .. I know him di ... We were classmates... But then .. We lost contacts.. because he suddenly  changed school ..

Vami: oh.. yeah .. He changed school in last year .. because of His health issues ... He went for home school in last year ..

Dhruv : Oh ok di... Can I get his no.
I want totalk to him ...
Vami : You can meet him .. he is in Mumbai.. He is selected in national team..said proudly..

Dhruv: Really.. I m so proud of him ..said smiling....

Vami: Today .. I don't have patients.. so I m free ..
Let's catch up with  Akku .. what do u say? ...

Dhruv nodded excitedly...
On the other side..

Akaay Came back from Medical store with his meds...
And after he took him ..he again went to practice..

Angad: Did u had meds? ..
Akaay: Yes sir ..said smiling..
( He was having brotherly vibe from Angad)..

Agastya and Zoravar went towards Akaay ..

Zoravar: Had meds? ..
Akaay : Yes sir .. Thanks for letting me go btw practice session...

Coaches were also there ..

Zoravar - It's fine Akaay..
Agastya: Yes it's totally fine Akku ..said in teasing tone...

Akaay: Sir it's a request I don't like when someone other than my family call me from that name ...

Agastya: Why .. it's just a name..
Said in rude tone ...

Akaay: I don't like that .. said in cold voice...

Mahi and Ro: No need to argue.. just go for practice...

All nodded..

Zoravar: Akaay .. u had done practice with Angad .. now u should go with .. Agastya...

Akaay and Agastya both nodded....

Agastya bowled his first ball and Akaay hit it ...

End of part 15 ...
Wait for part 16 ..
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