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We won guys ...
I literally cried ... I'm so fucking happy...
But Virat also announced his T20 retirement...sooo I m still crying...

Guys double update enjoy...

One week skip...

Vami was very happy with her work , hospital and her friends..
She made friends ..and also she was now comfortable with Aditya...
(And also Adi started liking her and same goes with Vami )

They were now  like bestfriends..
( Always talking and chatting)..

And Akaay was getting more protective for Vami .. but then he met Aditya .. and he knew he was a good guy ....

All were happy except Akaay...
Because whole week .. he got little teased by Agastya ...
Sometime for Jersey no.
Sometimes Agastya made him late for practice... Which results him running extra laps...
Then sometimes.. commenting on him ..

But Akaay was  very calm person...He never reacted  towards him ...

Akaay was very calm and sensitive  person.. But when he gets angry then it's really bad .. Same for Vami ...


New Day:

Akaay and Vami both left from home ...

Vami entered inside the hospital and met Aditya...
Aditya: Hlo good morning Vami ..
Vami: Hi Adi ... Good morning..
Then after taking for sometime they went towards their cabin and started doing their work...

On the other side:

Akaay entered inside the stadium and then  he hurriedly went towards changing room as he saw all players were on ground already...
Even Samaira and Ziva mam was there too...

As he enter he went towards his locker but couldn't find his jersey .. then his eyes went towards store room ..
He saw his jersey ..

He was confused but he entered into the store room and take the jersey .. but then he listened the sound of door closing...

He find himself locked in Store room ...
Akaay: Pls open the door..
He was banging the door .. and was asking for help ..
But no one was there ..
He was getting panicked but he was trying his best to not get panic attack ...

On the other side :

Vami was working in hospital and was making some report ...
And Aditya was supervising her.  

Then Vami got a call..
Which left her in shocking state...
Vami started crying ..
Aditya was shocked to see her in crying state..
Aditya: Vami want happened..? Asked with concerned tone ..
Vami: Akku called me .. and then she tell him everything.....

On the other side:

Akaay was trying his best to not panic .. then he called vami ..
Vami picked up the call ..
Vami: Ha akku
Akaay: Di I m locked in stadium changing room.. di I m having panic attack pls come ...then he fainted ..
Vami was calling his name .. but was not getting any answer...


On the other side..

Zoravar was looking for Akaay ..
Then he called Agastya,Sammy
Zoravar : Did u guys saw Akaay?
Both nodded their head in no..
Agastya: Maybe today he is late again ...

Seniors were also there...
They were not happy because it is  3rd time in a week .. that he is late ..

( Because of agastya and sammy  only as they were  pranking and teasing him ..)

Zoravar was getting angry .. but didn't said anything...

On the other side:

Akaay was fainted in the store room ...
And where as Vami was in car with Aditya on the way towards stadium...
Vami was trying  akku to call again again .. but it was not answered...

When she reached inside the stadium with Aditya.. she was crying very much ...

On the other side...

Ict were practising..and then they hear a very panicked voice of female...

All gathered around...

Coaches( Seniors) were also there ...

Vami: Guys pls tell me where is Akaay .. he is not answering my call..
Aditya was calming her down ...

After listening that...
Faces of two people turned pale ...
( No one noticed that )...

Zoravar: He is not in the stadium.. he is again late  today ...

Vami was getting angry ..
Vami: Are u guys stupid.. he is in the stadium...
Angad: But he didn't came ..

Vami: where the hell is Changing room ...
Ziva pointed at right direction...

Vami and Aditya ran towards changing room ..
Seeing them all ICT members and coaches were running too ..
They all enter into changing room ...

Vami: Akku where are u ?..
She was crying and shouting his name ...
Seeing her state Adi was feeling miserable....

Zoravar: I told u .. Akaay is not here ...

Seniors can see that she was getting angry .. but was controlling herself to burst out ...

Then she called Akaay no. And then they hear ringtone sound was coming from store room .....

End of part 12..
Wait for part 13...
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