Chapter Seventeen

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As soon as I appeared I was on this really misty mountain of some sort. Weird. Seeing the outline of an arch I start to make my way over thinking it could be the path to the school. Oh how wrong I was. As soon as I stepped through the arch a rope was around my ankle and I was dangling in the air.

As I was looking around I spotted the solutes of three adults in the mist. Must be the staff. As they walked over I could tell they were trying to intimidate me. Not gonna work. I think they were about to start saying something but before they could even say a word I blocked them out. I could feel the heat in my hand so I focused on it and a flame soon shot out and ignited on the rope. As soon as the rope was aflame I was released and did a backflip landing on the ground. Not wanting the fire to get any worse I called it back and it actually listened this time. Nice!

Looking back at the three adults I found them looking at me with both shock and fear. Why do people keep looking at me like that? I just continued to look at them as they were trying to understand what was going on. Soon the one with a purple hand on their shoulders finally led us onward. She then started explaining the rules and expectations of the kids here. They were really weird. Not really caring I just nodded and went along with it, not like I could talk back.

We soon made it to where they had set up for the day because we apparently change where we are each day. They had three tents up with blue, red, and purple, being the only thing separating them. We walked to the purple tent that was in the middle and the lady put her hands in the paint and then looked at me and motioned to my shoulders. Understanding what she meant I walked over and allowed her to mark my shoulders with the purple paint. She then motioned me to go into the tent and find a spot. Not wanting to be a problem I went with what they said.

As I walked in everyone looked at me. I couldn't see their faces but I could see the curiosity they held. It's probably because of the pin I had. I noticed when I got in that they all looked at it first and then some shifted away. I don't know what's wrong with it, I thought it looked really pretty. It had a hand in the middle with a ball of fire resting just above the hand. Making it look like the fire was alive. I really liked the pin. I had also noticed that no one else had a pin like mine and had many different ones themselves.

Not wanting to focus on it too much more I walked over to an open mat and sat down like I had been told to do. Soon the same lady as before walked in and told us to lift up. I was a bit confused on what she meant until I saw everyone else start to levitate. Not wanting to be left behind I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the air around me. And not too long later I could feel myself being lifted up off the ground. Proud that I did it I opened my eyes finding the lady in front of me with a look of shock. I don't think she thought I would get it so fast. Oh well.

We ended up levitation for a while before they told us to head over for lunch. Following the rest I see them all grab one of the really odd looking fruits on the table. Knowing they probably aren't any good I just walk away and find a shaded spot under a tree and pull out my bag. I had packed a bit of food this morning so I was all good. As I was eating one of the other purple kids came over. I could tell by the way they moved that they were female. Seeing her coming over I lowered my food and looked up at her tilting my head. I thought they said we weren't superset to talk with each other? Not seeing my confusion she sits next to me and offers me a water bottle she had. Looking at her and then the water I slowly grabbed my mallowmelt I had and gave it to the girl. I had plenty, Sophie had made me bring some just in case I got hungry. It's never a good idea to leave me hungry.

The girl looked at the dessert in shock before quickly trying to give it back and shaking her head. But I refused to take it back and just continued with the food I was already eating. Finally seeing that I wasn't going to take it she reluctantly took the cake and started to eat it slowly. She then motioned to another kid to come over. Probably her friend. Seeing them hesitate I grabbed another of the cakes and held it out for them. They froze seeing it and just looked at me like I was crazy. Which is rude, but a hundred percent true. They soon sat by the girl and also ate the cake. It was almost as if they were sitting in a way to protect the girl.

We just ate in silence and soon were called to get back to the tents for our remainder of the day. And so we got up and headed to the purple tent together and sat down in the same spots we did this morning, just this time keeping in eye on the other.

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