→𝙃𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚🖤❤

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Ship- Levaxx

Fluff :) scardey cat stuff XD rivals fighting LIKE STOP..  ><

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"Short story of Jaxx and Levi hiding feelings :)"


Third per;
Location: Squads House

"Whaaattt?? I can't heaaarrrr youu???"

Teased Sora.

Nowadays the two enemies have been trying to make stuff a little better...But not really as expected, So Jaxx just decided to keep quiet.

"Are you SERIOUS right now Sora? I said STOP making FUN of me!" Exclaimed Jaxx, starting to get madder each time. He blue boy knew what he was going through but he just wanted him to suffer from the teasing. Just like what that redhead did to him. "Im sorry Jaxx, i can't do this. It's to hard to get along with you..." Sora mumbled in a sort of harsh tone that kicked Jaxx in the chest.

Jaxx was right. He shouldn't just try to get along with a rival that he has been arguing with for almost 2 years.  (OOPS I FORGOT BUT I GUESS 2?)

"Yea...I just need to leave right?" Asked Jaxx.


Commanded Sora, pointing on the door. Ugh what was up with him with these hurtful acts?

Jaxx left without a word.

He'd just rather hang out with Levi, his friend. But here's one secret that he has been hiding... He had a major crush on Levi. Yea,yea talking about that, those two boys liked each other it wasn't really a big deal to keep it as a secret. The reason why he fell for Levi was cause of how supportive he was and how he...Smiles at him.

It just kept his heart beating so fast. 

Once the Raven hair saw the red hair, they started giving smiles.
"Hey Levi!!" Exclaimed Jaxx. "Hi hi..." Levi stopped.

"May i ask whats the matter...?"

"Oh uhm okay?"

Levi's POV;

I can't...Just Can't...Explain this to him. It's really complicated on how i like him and his rival hating him. What if he doesn't understand me? Welll...He's my friend so...I'm going to try opening up with him. . .




"So uhmmmm, you know about me and Alex's bestie relationship righhhttttt?????" I asked him giving a fake smile.

"Mhm. Yea."

Answered Jaxx.

Of course he knows! I'll just explain this to him quickly.

"Okay, i've been having conflict with Alex AND she wants me to leave in a while. Uhm...And...This is not what i wanted to do but...Can i stay with you?" I asked randomly making his eyes widen up.

I thinkk....I made a mistake, i shouldn't do this, it feels too weird to ask so sudden!

Jaxx's POV;

What!? I couldn't believe him! He could invade my privacy!! My head is thinking 'yes' but my senses are screaming at me with a no. "Ermm. Uhmm..Ahhmmm..." I kept on hesitating. Im not sure!! Deep inside with me...I want him to stay but...But...UGH whatever I'll do it... I'll do it.

"It's ok i-"


i yelled grabbing his arm, moving him closer to my face.

Can't i just be honest but...He looked so...(good)

Looking at his eyes gave me a sign i should do it. If thats true love. I wouldn't be scared to confess such a thing.

But it's also really awkward if i do it in a middle of a conversation.

How bout' doing this later hm? It wouldn't be too bad. "UHM...Would you like to stay in my house now or.." I stopped mid sentence. "Yea...Yea...Let me go there, i don't really want to see Alex's Face right now." Whispered Levi softly.



Third person!;

"Home sweet homeee!!" Jaxx hummed while he opened the car door (they went in the car alright?) "You could get out now Levi." Reminded Jaxx to him.

"Woah your house looks good but i think you look better!!" Complimented Levi.

It flabbergasted Jaxx a little but i guess it was nice. They walked kind of closer to the front door while Jaxx got the keys.

"Well get in i already unlocked the door." He smiled at Levi.


The two future couple sat down at a random couch that Jaxx always adored and played with his little cat. "So....." Levi started.


"How long am i going to stay?"

Levi asked feeling a little embarrassed about why he said that. "As long as you want! <3" Jaxx smiled at him.

"Well that's nice but i need to say this to you quickly okay?" Levi told him, placing his hand on Jaxx's shoulders.

"I like you :)"

Levi confessed but this time he wasn't shy!

You know how Jaxx replied, he kissed Levi gently on the lips....


HELP WHY IS THIS SO CUTE GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH🙃 this was sadly rushed tho...

Word count-

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