𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙨🤍❤

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Hey babes ❤ im back with another req i've been waiting for SO long 😇

Hey babes ❤  im back with another req i've been waiting for SO long 😇

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Btw why tf did i zoom in so much...

Obviously- Lucaxx

Why would i disagree i will always accept these 😞

Warn- Short like really 😍

Hop inn>>

It was a normal night for the two lovers sleeping until...

Luca started sobbing silently in his sleep, which maybe he might be dreaming or not.

His watery tears rolled down his cheeks to the covers of the bed, absorbing it and falling down to the mattress obviously starting to get wet.

A few seconds after Jaxx slowly opened his eyes in a blurry vision as he lifted his hand with the strength he had to gently rub his eyes to probably see again, his eyeballs landed on Luca seeing the sight of him crying.

Shocked Jaxx quickly stood up and flicked the lights open, dashing to Luca and swinging Luca's body back and forth to awaken his boyfriend.

"H-huh!!!?? Jaxx?!" The white boy exclaimed in fear embracing Jaxx tightly breathing crazily, almost like he was choked and almost went lifeless.

Jaxx slowly wiped away Luca's tears with tip of his thumb, forming a reliefed smile, lifting Luca's head up to gaze at his white plain eyes but was surely beautiful in any way possible.

"Baby tell me...What happened to you?" Jaxx asked with a big amount of concern spilling from his words.

All Luca could say was inaudible sentences probably like murmuring.

"Hey hey, calm down...Just breath in and breath out kay?" Jaxx mumbled to Luca, making his lovely boyfriend feel comfort.

How Jaxx spoke in each sentence had a strong amount of emphasis whenever he talked to someone or even non-living things (like that's him okay?) That makes him unique in kind.

Jaxx gently took a deep breath and asked again: "Tell me what happened?" Luca couldn't really remember or recall what happened but this quickly? He decided to explain he knew to his love and stay calm in all times. Cause he knew Jaxx was here for him.

"A dream. Or maybe a nightmare, of you leaving the squad group and wanting to break up with me for uhm...a new start then- i don't know why you left but!- please don't leave me PLEASE don't leave me!" Pleaded Luca Holding his tears only causing him to be a crying mess.

Jaxx crept a smile on his face and giggled in a soft tone, stroking Lucas's soft white amazing hair! (That's what i describe Luca's hair :[ )

"Of course i would never ever leave you! Why would you dream of that!...Now shhh.." Whispered Jaxx, lessening Luca's tears (dried off eventually.)

"Now sleep...Rest your eyes, we will he filming tommorow." Jaxx said to Luca, slowly laying his boyfriend down.

"Now don't worry, I'll never leave you. When you dream again, i'll be cuddling you in reality making sure your safe in my hands."

Jaxx hummed. Luca smiled and slowly closed his eyes, reassembling how much he felt safe and sound with Jaxx.



Sorry if i took long 😊 hope ya like or maybe love this.

Lab you!

Word count-

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