✩𝘼 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙘 𝙖𝙞𝙧 💙💜

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Before starting:

-short story

And so you know this ship is Sorlight! I'm kind of in love with this one tbh and this is an AU of Sora and Light, they aren't dating here and REMEMBER this: Sora is NOT dating Jaxx but just friends.

This contains: Romantisim, kissing.

(Location: Squads house- Rooftop)

Sora and Light sat outside in the Rooftop to chat about their daily lives and feelings. These two got along together ever since they started talking.

Well yea, Light was pretty stupid or careless most of the time, but Sora didn't care at all, it's just like he got used to it so quickly. They always felt they had a connection or what, but something tells them that they're meant for each other. None of the squad members were homophobic so the two didn't care if they really had a real relationship.

They always joked around about Sora and Light being together or shipping Sorlight.

Most of their fans even stan Sorlight. This one video Sora joked about him practicing his kisses with Light. Alex was pretty shocked but also was about to laugh.

"So Light..." Sora caught Lights attention, who was busy fidgeting his hands. "How's your relationship with Charli and Luca?"

Light thought about it for a while. After all those memories and going through with Charli until this present time to the old times, Light has gotten used to Charli simping all around him. Yes. He did like Charli, but only as a friend. He didn't know what attracted Charli's eye but now he just got to cope up with it and act weird and stuff just to keep Charli away for once. Light wasn't always that typical brother of Alex who was dumb, it's what you call acting for him. Off the scene he was better, but never got rid of the stupidity.

"Hello?" Sora gently tapped the lilac haired boy on the shoulder.

"Me and Charli's relationship is good!" Light answered so suddenly, making Sora jump a bit. "Oh are you sure about that? Then how bout' Luca?" Sora reminded.

"Let's say it's mid." Chuckled Light.

Those two hadn't been the best of friends, Charli always babbled and BABBLED about Light alot to Luca, Causing the white boy to grow jealousy. "Well, well just accept that Luca envys you. You don't like Charli anyway!" Sora smiled at his dear friend. Light.

It's really a relief to have a friend who knows your worries and problems is it? But...What if somebody or especially your friend liked or loved you alot and they confess to you. Secretly in a sentence or confessed it without hiding it? Let's just see.

"I have a question for you anyway too. How's your relationship with Jaxx?" Light asked next.

"Hah, good as heck!" Blushed Sora.

Light actually had a crush on Sora, so it's obvious jealousy would erupt from someones heartm

Sora did have feelings for Light too. Wanting to kiss the boy already, he was blushing, but not because he liked Jaxx. It's cause they were planning on how Sora would confess to Light.

Seeing, Lights, cute. Mad. Adorable face, Sora turned even redder. "Jealous, jealous aren't you?" Teased Sora, pinching the cheeks of Light.

Light made a mini tantrum, turning away from Sora and huffed.

"Awh C'mon!"

After a while of awkward silence. The wind blew gently, but hardly.

A purple flower landed on Sora's little nose.

A lilac?

"It smells like flowers here, almost like lilac. Is this you??" Asked Sora. He didn't even know what to say.

Sora kissed the flower softly, almost as if it was Light and let it fly off.

"I like lilacs. Your purple. So there is a chance that i like or love you cause you're the color of a lilac!:)" Said Sora to Light.

The smaller boy looked at Sora in shock. Was there a meaning why he said that? Did he like Light??? He secretly liked Light?or was that a compliment?

Lights eye's shimmered with suprise as he looked at Sora. Jaxx and Sora's plan wasn't really as it was going to work out but how Sora confessed was even better! Just taking a deep breath and smelling the perfect sent of the lilacs blowing made it better for a confession.

"Your joking right? Do you like me?" Asked Light in a frozen position. Sora paced a smile. But it was different. A smile full of love, truthulness and happines. Indeed he liked or...So called, loved Light. It's been long enough, they don't need to wait, it's time they knew eachothers feelings for eachother.

"Sora. May i ask again. Do you like me? Or is this a joke? You probably like Jaxx don't you?" Asked Light again, embarrassed cause what if Sora was just joking and tricked Lights mind, but especially fooled The lilac boys heart. He'd probably break down with tears knowing his long time crush didn't like him.

Sora stayed silent, making Light even more confused.

Light didn't give up quickly and asked Sora a few more times. "Sora are you even okay or...Oh....Uhmm..." Light realized. Mabye Sora was shocked why he ever asked that question. That was only a compliment. He only said "chance" he liked or loved him.
Light started loosing hope, thinking his love didn't really like nor LOVED him as Sora's smile faded away.

Light formed tears making his eyes blurry and full of tears, falling down like a waterfall from his eyes.

"I'm── I'm sorry Sora! I made a mistake, i thought you liked me cause of your compliment i─"

"Oh goodness did i did to much!? Hey hey Light im Sorry..." Sora cut of Light giving him an embrace. "Listen, listen, please stop crying, I'm sorry I'm SO sorry Light i took the joke to far, I like you I DO LIKE YOU SO MUCH, but i don't like you as a friend....I love you as if we're together. I'm sorry, i thought you would get the joke..." Apologized sincerely Sora but also confessed at the same time.

Sora wiped of Lights tears, making Light smile happily at Sora.

The blue or cyan boy pushed his lips with Lights as they enjoyed and perished each second of it.

Sora gently closed his eyes as Light kissed back, he couldn't ignore how good of a kisser Light was, they did hilariously practice their kissing skills which surprisingly paid off.

"I love you. Light. Only you."

"I love you to. Sora."

They said to each other as they kissed again, making Sora kiss him again.

Sora knew Light liked him now.

Light knew Sora liked him now.

They liked eachother.

They were made for eachother.

They were made for eachother for a purpose, for a meaning and for
Enjoyment in life.

They never let go of this feeling.

They never did.

They smiled at eachother, never taking of eye contact.

He loved him...

💜 ➭ 💙


word count-



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