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Warning: Smut cause idk i want too...(Short really)

Don't read if ya sensitive to this...IM LAZY TODAY


"Hey baby!" Luca greeted Light his Love sweetly.

"Hey Luca!" The shorter one replied giving Luca a gentle hug.
The boy blushed softly with happiness filling him up but he had something in his hand that he had to keep careful. A cup of warm coffee in his hand.

"Careful babe, you'll spill my coffee, you can share!" Reminded Luca to Light as the little boy let go and listened to the command.

"Such a good boy aren't you?" Giggled Luca Placing his coffee on the small wooden table they had.

"Eh do you really have to say that it's weird?" Light whispered with a flustered face expression and stared at Luca with a soft pink shade on his cheeks.

Luca turned to Light, his lips forming a smirk and slowly sat with Light, forgetting he had some coffee to drink.

"Hmm? What's the problem with that?" Asked Luca teasingly, wrapping his arms around the little one's waist. (Slowly getting horny they hadn't done this in a while iguess...o:)

Luca quickly pressed his lips against Light, ruffling Light's soft lilac hair.

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" Asked Luca in a kind way.

"I-i know..."

"Now i want you to be a good boy for Luca 'kay?" Smiled Luca...


he threw A pair of boxers on the ground until they had no shirt, pants or boxers on. (😨)

Luca pushed Light down the bed and quickly slipped Light's cock inside his mouth and sucked it slowly. "Augh~..." Soft quiet moans escaped Light's mouth.

"Ya like it?" Luca laughed softly, seeing the view of Light's red face. "No!" Cried Light, which was an obvious lie. He gave Light one sloppy kiss as he heared the moans get louder..
"That's it! That's what i like to hear, your cute voice." Whispered Luca stroking Light's cock in a quick and fast pace.

"Luca, im going to cum soon...~!"
Exclaimed Light as he moaned uncontrollably.

"Please just go gently!"

"No, don't tell me what to do!" Groaned Luca as he continued to do this for a while.

The older smiled with satisfaction as he saw his love seemingly enjoying it.

"Mmhh~ that good?" Asked Luca.

"Y-yes....~! More please i need more!~!" Pleaded Light in pleasure.

"Okay...Okay..." Replied Luca as he began thrust into Light. "Nghh..~ Fuck it!~" Moaned and cursed Light as tears fell down his eyes.

It continued for a while with the two of the moaning like crazy until Luca hit Light's best soft spot.

"AHH~ Not that! Mmhh~...Thats to fucking good!" Moaned Light non-stop.

"I-it's coming Luca I'm close!" Light whimpered and moaned quietly this time.

"Same..." Whispered Luca before they both cummed at last.

"Was that good darlin'?" Asked Luca once more.

"Mhm..." Replied Light.

"Oh wait i think i forgot my coffee was there all along!" Remembered Luca suddenly in shock.

Light formed a cute little smile on his face. "Oh lookie,who forgot they had coffee" teased Light.

"Shut up!" Huffed Luca.

"Do you wanna drink it now or clean up this mess first?" Asked Light. "I don't even wanna drink that nymore, let's just...rest for a while..." Sighed Luca, grabbing Light's soft hand.


Ohh uhm what was this mess? Listen im not good at making smut and i never wanted to do this but i need to post at least something!

Im working on ya request too so ty!

Word count:


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